Today we’re talking about the snowdrop flower meaning. Among all the flowers that present spring, the snowdrop flower is definitely one of the most famous flowers of spring since it’s the first spring flower.
The fragile snowdrop flower carries many meanings and symbolism. These beautiful flowers have been one of the most famous symbols in nature of the spring season. Aside spring snow crabapple tree, it is one of the most famous spring plants.
Also known as milk-white flowers, they remind us of the snow since it looks like they carry snow beneath their petals.
Their delicate bloom will make you smile with their tiny snowdrops burst petals and definitely with their unique symbolism.
Let’s learn more about the snowdrop flower meaning below.
What Is Snowdrop Flower Meaning?

It is believed that the angel caught a snowflake that he turned into snowdrop flowers, and due to this belief, the snowdrop flower’s meaning is rebirth.
In some cultures, it is believed that snow decided that after the winter months, as the snow melts, he turns every snowflake into a snowdrop flower. That is why these flowers are heralds of spring.
What Is The Symbolism Of The Snowdrop Flower?

Beyond many symbolism these flowers have, they also symbolize hope. That is their strongest symbolism and mostly only mentioned one.
It is said, however, different flowers of these flowers have different meanings. Few flowers present fertility and innocence.
One flower of snowdrop flowers has its own symbolic meaning as well. One single flower presents hope and rebirth, and by some legends, bad luck believe it or not.
The snowdrop flower has a similar meaning to the white rose meaning in relationship.
Snowdrop Flower Features And Botanical Characteristics

Below we bring you some botanical facts about these bulbous plants. Find out more about a beautiful flower snowdrop.
- Family: Amaryllidaceae
- Botanical name: Galanthus nivalis
- Native habitat: middle east
- Size: small flower, 1-3 inches
- Blooming time: early spring after cold winter months
- Flower color: milky white color, white flowers
- Leaf shape: oval-shaped flowers
- Symbolisms: innocence, virgin mary, bright future, love of a young girl
- Soil: black soil, perlite
- Sun: bright light
- Fertilizer: hummus
Snowdrop flower is a wild species divided into about thirty species by crossbreeding. As it is protected by law in many countries, it is less susceptible to cross-breeding.
The difference between the species is usually in the height of the stem and the shape of the flower, and below we present some of the most famous.
Snowdrop Flower Interesting Facts

It is interesting that the most common way of propagation of snowdrops is the spreading of seeds, which are spread by ants.
For this reason, they can often be found in different and remote locations. In art, its flower was used as a decoration in paintings or as part of a motif.
It is especially connected as a symbol of Easter because it appears during the snow, so it is the harbinger of new life.
Some believed that before choosing the white orchid as its national flower, Guatemala wanted a snowdrop to be the national flower of Guatemala. Maybe the national flower of Italy could’ve been this flower as well.
Lady Spring. Vs. Winter Witch

If you ever read about snowdrop flowers before, I’m sure you’ve stumbled upon a story of a fight between Lady Spring and Winter Witch.
This is how the delicate snowdrop flower was created. Lady Spring was a symbol of hope as well, while Winter Witch symbolizes sympathy. However, winter witch and lady spring didn’t get along at all. It’s believed that Eve sat weeping when she saw their disagreements.
In the Garden of Eden, some flowers refused to stick around other flowers. They wanted to be alone in the entire garden. Lady spring pricked Winter Witch in a fight and she was the one that won. There is also a victorian England legend and German legend about these flowers.
In those legends, the winter witch refused to fight with a spring lady at first because she had a kind and generous soul. In German legend, no blood fell on the ground in the battle, but a white snowdrop was created from a birth of a Lady Spring.
Once she did that, blood drop fell on the floor, and when the blood drop melted it started creating new red flowers. The only milk flower that was left was the lady Spring flower. Later on, lady spring gave birth to the snowdrop flower.
Since the baby of a lady spring arrived after the fight, in Greek mythology, it is believed that the snowdrop represented death. Its sweet fragrance tells us one story, but its first flowers ever tell us something different. In Asian legend, the winter witch decided to attack the Lady spring first.
Snowdrop Flower History

It is believed that snowdrops have existed since the 13th century, but specifically, in America, they have existed since the 15th century, that is, they have been cultivated since the 15th century.
There is no exact information in which country snowdrop flowers originated, but it is believed that they come from the Middle East.
Snowdrop is a very old and well-known plant that was used even in the time of the ancient Greeks. It is known for its characteristic flower and early flowering.
Its medicinal properties were discovered in the Middle Ages. During this period, it spread widely in parts of Europe, so today it can be found in parts of France, all the way to Asia.
Snowdrop Flower Legend

In a distant village, far from civilization, there lived an old grandmother. All she had was her little cabin and the garden in front of her. Legend has it that the snowdrop flower got its name from that grandmother who lived in the village after she cried for the flowers.
At one point in the winter, when the snow fell a lot, it covered all her flowers, and she was afraid, thinking that her flowers would never grow again. Since she was alone, and lonely in her village, the snow took away her only joy.
However, at that moment, the little angel landed on the grandmother’s shoulders, and seeing that she was crying, he turned each of her tears into a snowdrop flower.

Below, in your favorite FAQs section, we bring you a few interesting facts about snowdrop flowers. Let’s see what did we prepare for you in this section.
What Does A Snowdrop Flower Tattoo Mean?
If you want to get a tattoo that symbolizes purity and innocence definitely go with a snowdrop flower. They can also symbolize hope drawn down in the ink.
Do Snowdrops Mean The Beginning Of The Spring?
This wild plant is the harbinger of spring and marks the end of winter. They mostly appear in late February or early March on sunny glades and hills.
Is Snowdrop A Birth Flower?
Snowdrop flower is a birth flower for people who were born in February and March precisely because of their flowering period. So that’s Aquarius and Pisces. But I’m sure you’ll be interested in finding out more about other zodiac flowers as well.
How Are The Snowdrop Flowers Lovers Called?
There is such a thing as called “galanthophile”. This term belongs to people who enjoy and love these flowers, collect them or simply have them as their favorites.
Is Snowdrop Spring Flower Or Winter Month?
Precisely because of its flowering in February and March, the snowdrop flower is a spring flower.
When Should You Give Someone A Snowdrop Flower?
If someone is facing negativity in their life or going through some obstacles, give them a snowdrop flower. The flower symbolizes rebirth and hope and is the perfect flower for such an occasion.
Wrapping It Up

Today we talked about the snowdrop flower meaning. I know that many of you are surprised by the facts and symbolism of this tiny snowdrop flower. It doesn’t look so powerful right?
What did you like the most, maybe a common snowdrop flower meaning? Gentle flower stands proudly or that’s just because of their pure white color. If you love white-colored flowers, check out the begonia white flowers and tree with white flowers too.
God created snow, but according to Greek mythology, Gods and Goddesses of Greece created these spring flowers, and today you’ve learned everything about them.
We hope you enjoyed today’s article, see you tomorrow with similar topics.