In today’s article, we will talk about Panama rose, more precisely about the care of this beautiful flower.
A rose, but still not a rose, it comes from the rose family and has a similar scent, there are so many questions about this flower, and we will answer them all today.
Every garden needs at least one flower or shrub with a cheerful color that will break the monotony of greenery and brighten up the approach to your house.
This is exactly where Panama rose comes into play with its beautiful green leaves and star-shaped dark pink flowers.
Forget about monotony, let’s learn how to take care of this plant so that you can get it for its new season that is coming soon.
Is Panama Rose Edible?

Foliage and the flowers of Panama rose are edible. In some cultures, they make juice from their leaves and flowers without any thermal processing or cooking.
How Do You Make Panama Rose Bloom?
When you know its blooming time is close, water it more frequently then and that will definitely help your Panama rose to bloom sooner.
What Does A Panama Rose Look Like?
Panama rose is an evergreen shrub with dark green thin long leaves.
Although it contains the name rose, it is not quite the classic rose that you are used to, but it comes from that family of plants. Its flowers are a striking vivid dark pink color.
Care Guide For Panama Rose Plant

Below we bring you a simple care guide for a Panama rose plant. Let’s learn all about it in detail. Once you’ve read it, taking care of bush Penta will be a simple thing for you.
Light Needs

Panam rose thrives the best in partial shade combined with lots of morning sun. Provide it with at least 4 to 5 hours of direct sun, especially in its blooming season.
But be careful now, light shade isn’t the same as shade.
When grown indoors, place it on the southwest window where will get exactly the type of light you want it to get.
Cool sunlight in the afternoon, direct sun in the morning, and a bit of partial shade in the afternoon-perfection!
Water Needs

Panama rose, an amazing fence or property line flower has to be watered once in 8 days.
As we said already, they’re moderately drought-tolerant plants, and like other plants that are like this, they just need well-drained soil to thrive well.
The type of water doesn’t really matter, that is completely up to your choice. They grow up to 5 feet tall when watered regularly and their sweet fragrance does a butterfly favor for sure.
When you are watering them correctly, their lance-shaped leaves obviously have a brighter and shiner color too.
Beautiful blooms are part of this plant once you grow Panama with the right conditions. Its star-shaped flower shouldn’t be watered especially during the heat.
Soil Type

These plants are moderately drought tolerant, so we advise you to get well-drained soil, slightly acidic soil, composted cow manure, organic peat moss-mildly acidic, and voila, you have the perfect choice of soil for your plant.
When you choose such soils for it, the plant’s dark green backdrop will be shinier than ever.

Fertilize your Panama plant with granular fertilizer in the early spring. When it has flowers with yellow centers and clusters, you will know that it’s time to fertilize them.
Don’t fertilize them after July. After fertilization, the great flowering shrub will bloom even more.
Temperature And Humidity

Panama plant does not like humidity. It can usually handle up to 50% humidity, anything over that is a bit hard on your Panama plant.
When it comes to temperature, it does best between 55 and 70 F.

Panama rose can be propagated by semi-hardwood cuttings and softwood cuttings. What you do here is do careful pruning at first and then you place pruned branches in the bright indirect sunlight location where you plant them in the well-draining soil.
Make sure they have full sun in the morning hours too. This is much easier than doing the root division which can easily cause root ball damage and other similar problems.
Once you place them into their garden beds, with filtered shade and sun, and adequate temperature, they will start growing in about 3-4 weeks.
This propagation also works great for small mass plantings. If you water it too much at the planting time, you can cause root rot, so be careful with the water to avoid root rot.
Issues With Panama Rose

Panama rose doesn’t have any serious pests that attack it. Mostly, it’s ants, and some other insects, but they also leave fast since Panama rose doesn’t really have the nectar or juices they’re looking for.
Root Rot
Root rot is the most popular disease with any plant. It happens during its blooming time when you water this plant more frequently but then what? You overwater it very soon.
Every time before watering it again, make sure you do a finger check (stick your finger to the first inch or two of the soil) and then water again if needed.
Once the root rot appears there is no turning back.
Yellow Leaves
This happens only when the plant is planted in such a location where there is too much sun.
The plant likes direct sunlight but combined with heat and high temperature, it easily burns its leaves and then you either have to prune it or repot it (translate) elsewhere.
History Of Roses

The popularity of the rose has been known throughout the world since ancient times. Nevertheless, the history of the rose, from which dozens of species later developed, begins on the island of Crete.
Its history dates back to 600 years before Christ, and even then it was used for decorative purposes.
In ancient civilizations, especially in Greece, the rose was a symbol of beauty, gratitude, grace, and similar symbols. The rose is one of the most popular flowers in greek mythology, but it is not the national flower of Greece.
In ancient Rome, they had a special garden for roses, separated from other flowers and called the Rosetum.
In the Middle Ages, the cultivation of roses was linked to the church and religion, and they were grown strictly for these purposes.
In Conclusion

In today’s article, we learned a lot about Panama rose. You learned how to take care of this beautiful pink plant, and how this beautiful plant came to America.
We are sure that we have made you think and that you are already actively thinking about buying one for your garden.
If you enjoyed this article, we suggest you consider planting similar plants such as shrubs-types of azaleas, fuzzy flowers that are super easy to maintain, or a spring snow crabapple tree, perfect for the following season.
Or read just something about the fascinating baby sun rose. Another suggestion is to learn something about the national flower of the Dominican Republic – bayahibe rose.
We wish you happy planting of this flower, and we’ll see you tomorrow with a lot of similar things because that would be all for today. Finally, we bring you a beautiful quote about a rose.
- “Love is a rose, but you’d better not pick it, only grows when it’s on the vine. A handful of thorns and you know you’ve missed it. Lose your love when you say the word mine.” – Linda Ronstadt