Monstera Deliciosa is an elegant beautiful houseplant, but why is my Monstera droopy?
So loved around the world for its cult look. While it is generally not too difficult to care for, there are several common problems you may encounter.
These swiss cheese plants are truly wonderful but sometimes, they can get issues that we want to solve as soon as possible.
Why is my Monstera droopy? Too little light, humid environments, potting soil, low light, well-draining soil, air circulation, under watering, what’s causing it? Let’s find out.
This article will surely help you solve the problem of drooping monstera leaves and voila, once you’re done, plant leaves will be fresh and healthy!
Monstera Plant: Swiss Cheese Plant Features

This plant grows in tropical forests in southern Mexico, south of Colombia, and is often grown as an ornamental houseplant. Monstera has distinctive split leaves that look beautiful in all their shapes.
If conditions suit it, it will grow a vine up to five meters long with numerous aerial roots (when it grows, provide it with an aid such as a stick or a lattice that it will be able to hold on to when growing).
Monstera (Monstera deliciosa) is a creeping perennial from the family Araceae, which includes dieffenbachia, spathiphyllum, golden mace, small lentils, goat, racket, caladium, alocasia, and Kala. It is one of the most present families in the world, and its genera are widespread in tropical forests and are popular for their ornamental foliage and flowers.
They are significant because of the shape of the flower which is formed from one semi-open leaf with a thick pistil, and the most famous species are dieffenbachia, dieffenbachia reflector, anthurium, and Kala, but also the most minor planet in the world, the tiny lentil.
It is named after the literal description where monster means huge and refers to growth, and delicious because of the edible fruit. The Swiss cheese plant is also a popular name due to its association with perforated Emmental cheese.
Learn Maintenance And Care For This Tropical Plant

Monstera is an extremely simple plant to maintain and grateful for the environment, so it is recommended for beginners. However, as with any other plant, its growing process can sometimes get complicated. You may notice your monstera plant drooping.
To avoid that, we present you with the main issues of the monster plant and we’re bringing some easy tips and advice on how to fix them.
Monstera (Leaves) Drooping Causes: Why Is My Monstera Droopy?

The most common damage that will happen caused by diseases of this plant is leaf fall. This is the ultimate damage that we do not want and we are trying to avoid it in all possible ways!
It’s like surgical regrowth of the limbs of our plant and for all plant lovers, it hurts to watch. Below we will talk about the causes and solutions for all possible diseases and damages to your monster plant. Let’s find out more.
Excess Water – Is It A Good Option? Why Is My Monstera Droopy?

Even though we think that water can save our plants, sometimes it can be the thing that kills them. Too much water can kill our plants just the same as the dry soil can do it.
But this is not the answer to your question: “Why is my Monstera droopy?” Let us see what is.
1. Wet soil
The land where the flowers are at first glance can seem dry if you look only at the surface. However, if you push your finger into it and feel it moist inside, there is no need to pour water because the plant has not yet used up all the moisture since your last watering.
Also, keep in mind that plants must always, but always, be in jars that have holes in the bottom for excess water to come out.
2. The stem is soft
In this case, be sure to stop watering immediately because the plant is on the verge of rot. The soft and slightly gooey stem is a sure sign that she will no longer be saved if you continue to give her water.
3. The leaves have brown spots
Sometimes, if the leaves take in too much water, their cells become oversaturated with moisture and burst, which in turn causes brown spots to form. But even in this case, dark spots on the leaves can indicate a lack of water, so check what the soil is like inside – dry or wet.
Not Enough Water Issues – Why Is My Monstera Droopy?

Just as excessive watering is detrimental to the monster’s health, insufficient watering will also dehydrate the plant resulting in brown spots on its striking foliage. This can also be the answer to your question: “Why is my Monstera droopy?”
Remember that tropical rainforest is the natural habitat of this plant, so it requires a lot of moisture to thrive – the trick is to consistently provide light humid conditions.
Yes, I know you’re afraid of over-watering your Monstera, but just be careful that in your efforts to keep it healthy, you’re not depriving it of the moisture it needs to bloom.
How To Fix This Problem?

Understanding your Monstera’s water needs is crucial. You should have an honest idea of how often to drink.
Its water needs will be higher when the weather is warm and dry, and much less during the cold winter months.
Sometimes the monster that is tied to the root will also suffer from dehydration because the pot does not have enough soil to hold water. If this is the case, you will need to transplant the plant into a larger container.
It should be noted here – that does not dramatically increase the size of the tank as this will encourage excessive watering and root rot. Just choose one that is a few inches bigger.
Is Direct Sunlight Good For Monstera Plant? Why Is My Monstera Droopy?

If they receive too much light for processing, the leaves can start to look lifeless or even fade. Light brown edges and spots, too, can be an indication that your plant is exposed to the sun too much. Too much light can kill your plant, don’t doubt that.
This can also be the reason for your problem: “Why is my Monstera droopy?”.
In this case, move the plant away from the window or dim the light coming to it to reduce the amount of time your plant spends daily in direct sunlight.
You can try putting a sheer curtain on the window to soften some of the strong midday sun rays that reach the plant. When plant leaves are exposed to too much sun they will possibly look droopy and dead.
We always want just enough light for our plants, never too much for sure. Following its sunbathing schedule just as its fertilizing schedule wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Monstera plants might seem not so easy to take care of now, but you can figure this out very quickly.
Yellow Leaves On My Monstera Plant (Due To Too Much Water)

Probably one of the most common problems we encounter when growing monstera, and any other plant, is too much water, or watering, which can be recognized by withered and yellow leaves. Also one answer to your question “Why is my Monstera droopy?”.
This can also be caused by poor soil drainage resulting in water retention. In the process, the root will begin to rot over time, fungi will form more easily while the leaves will soon begin to wither.
A good solution to this problem would be to add sand to the soil or transplant the plant into a jar with an opening at the bottom, where excess water will then be able to escape.
Yellow Leaves On Monstera (Due To Too Much Sun)

Artificial light or too much direct sun can sometimes cause sunburn on your plant as well. Leaves will get yellow, and dry, they will most likely fall off soon, or their tips at least.
What you need in this situation is more natural light, but bright light. Don’t force sun exposure during this period, minimum light is the best option.
Brown Tips And On my Monstera Plant

The most common cause of brown monstera on leaves is leaf spot disease caused by excessive watering or poorly draining soil.
Other problems such as excessive direct sunlight, pests, excessive fertilization, insufficient watering, or sudden temperature changes can also cause brown spots.
Excessive watering is a sure way to kill most houseplants, and monsters are no exception. Monstera is epiphytes with aerial roots, so they do not tolerate too much watering. These plants require slightly moist soil – wet soil will cause root rot due to suffocation.
And when root rot occurs, the plant is likely to show its trouble in the form of brown spots on the leaves and brown tops and edges.
A good start is always to remember that plants don’t need as much water as you think they need.
Sometimes we notice that the top layer of soil has dried out, but the deeper layers where the roots are located can still have a lot of moisture. A brown spot on your monster’s list could be a sign of a fungal or bacterial infection.
Fungal infections usually start as a single brown spot, the number of which increases over time.
If neglected, these spots begin to grow until they gradually merge and take the form of a large spot on the Monstera leaf. Slowly, the whole leaf turns brown and then eventually falls off.
Bacterial spot diseases are usually larger and smaller on the leaves and can have a wet appearance.
Regardless of fungal or bacterial origin, leaf spot diseases require prompt treatment, not just for monstera, but for other plants too.
How To Fix Brown Spots On Monstera Plant Immediately?

If you want to give your monster a chance to survive, you must identify the problem and take steps to stop the spread of the infection.
The moment you notice that brown spots appear on the leaves, separate them from other houseplants to protect them from infection. It is best to cut off the affected leaf/leaves.
Many plant parents think that exposing their monsters to direct sunlight is fine. After all, the plant comes from warm, tropical rainforests!
Monsters don’t like excessive light, but you can’t keep them in a dark corner if you want to grow those super attractive large, fenestrated leaves for which the plant is widely known.
Ideally, you should look for a room that gets a lot of bright indirect light and place your monster next to the window. Your plant will thank you from the bottom of its heart.
How To Recognize Root Rot On Your Monstera Deliciosa?

Root rot occurs when the roots of your monstera plant succumb to decay pathogens. The disease turns the affected roots into a brown or black slurry that cannot transport nutrients to the rest of the plant. What causes rotten roots that make your monster seem droopy, let’s find out?
- Oversized containers
You may be tempted to give your plant extra space to grow but that’s usually not a good idea. Excess soil can cause problems, as space can become a dead zone that is flooded.
- Non-porous containers
Clay pots can be bulky, but they have one big advantage: they are permeable. Water can evaporate through their walls so the soil can breathe. Non-porous containers such as plastic or glazed containers retain moisture and promote humid conditions.
- Too deep planting
In many species, burying the stem causes decay. This is not true for every plant. Some will take root next to a buried stem. You should check the specifications of your houseplant before reducing the planting depth. (this works for monstera)
- Watering out of season
Many plants have seasonal periods when their growth slows down or goes dormant. During this time, they require less water, so continuing the same watering schedule can mean unintentional over-watering.
- Contaminated tools
It is important to disinfect your equipment before reusing it with other plants. Pathogens stick to pots, scissors, spatulas, and other tools and can easily jump on other plants if not sterilized.
- Weakness or stress
Root rot is mostly an opportunistic infection. In addition to attacking a plant that has been exposed to stress due to excessive watering, pathogens can take advantage of excessive or insufficient fertilization. Maintaining a healthy plant is the best way to ward off trouble.
Root Rot-Solving The Issues

If you feel that root rot has already occurred, follow these steps:
- Gently remove the plant from the pot to inspect the roots. Spoiled roots will be brown/black, mushy, and may smell bad.
- Use sterile pruning shears to remove the affected roots.
- You can also cut the leaves that are most affected by brown spots so that the remaining healthy roots can focus on keeping the healthy leaves in good condition.
- After you have finished pruning the affected root and leaves, wash the remaining roots with clean water and transplant the plant into a new pot with lots of drainage holes.
- Plant your monster in fresh, dry soil. The combination of 2/3 bowl mix and 1/3 perlite is a good option. If you want your plant to have a good healthy root system, pay attention to its root condition. When repotting as well, make sure not to damage the root ball because that can cause bad root damage. Root damage then brings us to monstera drooping.
Pests Of Monstera Plant

Unfortunately, monsters are susceptible to pests such as insects and mites. Pests are probably your monster’s worst enemies as they can devastate her overall health. They can cause irreversible damage if not eliminated quickly enough.
Spider mites are really small and you may not notice pests at first, but you can look for the following signs.
Look for fine, thin nets between the leaves, as well as brown, curled leaves, with streaked yellow or brown spots on the leaves.
Look very closely and you will see a bunch of tiny spider mites no bigger than a pinhead moving around their webs and feasting on your plant. On the other hand, scaly insects are known to attack the stem or joints of monstera leaves.
How To Fix Monstera Pests Issues?

Horticultural oil is another effective and organic option without chemicals to remove spider mites, scale, and other pests.
For best results, you should mix two teaspoons of Neem or horticultural oil in approximately one liter of water and add one teaspoon of liquid soap to the mixture.
After you have mixed all the ingredients well, spray the mixture directly on the affected leaves.
I recommend that you repeat this treatment at weekly intervals for a few weeks until you are sure that all pests have been treated. Only then can you safely return your plant to its usual place.
Possible And Most Often Diseases That Cause Drooping Leaves

You may have noticed that with age, diseases and pests become more aggressive, plants get sicker, and we get more and more disappointed with the harvest. Flamingos, onion flies, or aphids are just some of the plagues that can ruin months of effort overnight.
Unfortunately, all of this was created by us humans through intensive gardening that puts a lot of pressure on a balanced ecosystem.
Flamingo is the most dangerous, but also the most common monstera plant disease that causes its droopy appearance. The development is favored by humid weather and high temperatures and is recognized by lighter and curled leaves and stunted growth.
The plant will not completely perish, but the flower will be of very poor quality. If the disease has already appeared, it is desirable to harvest still somewhat healthy plants but the seeds are not good for storage.
Before the next planting, it is necessary to sterilize the soil, adhere to crop rotation, sow only healthy seeds, and then avoid retaining moisture around the plant by mulching.
It should be noted that none of these measures can stop the infection, but they can delay it. And mold can ruin all the effort overnight. It all starts in conditions of high humidity and temperature by creating yellowish spots on the leaves resembling a fire.
How to Prevent And Cure Monstera PLANT Diseases

We bring you some tips and tricks you can make and prepare at home that might help you save your monstera plant from these horrible diseases.
- Mixed herbal bath
Most plants are suitable for a mixed bath of yarrow, resist nettle, dandelion, chamomile, and oak bark. Of yarrow and dandelion only flowers and leaves are used, of chamomile and resist only flowers, and of nettle only flowering tops. A teaspoon of chopped dry herbal mixture pours into warm water, preferably rain or boiled water. Leave covered for 24 hours.
- Milk bath
Promotes faster seed germination, and rapid growth and resistance of the plant. It is applied in the same way as a herbal bath – the seeds are soaked in a small amount of milk. It is especially suitable for tomatoes because it strengthens resistance to powdery mildew and powdery mildew.
Your Monstera Didn’t Have Enough Fertilizer

You gave your monster a small dose of fertilizer. He reacted nicely and looked great. This tempted you to feed it a little more, secretly hoping that your plant would grow to one meter in two weeks.
Unfortunately, this did not happen and now your beloved houseplant has a few brown spots on the leaves, brown leaf tips, and edges.
Does the story sound familiar? Well, you are not the first monster caregiver to make the mistake of over-fertilizing, and you will certainly not be the last!
How Can This Be Fixed?
If you suspect that the reason for the brown spots, edges, and tops on your Monstera leaves is excessive fertilization, the first thing you should do is wash the soil to wash away the excess fertilizer salt that has accumulated. Be careful not to disturb the roots too much.
Then remove the most severely affected leaves and promise yourself that you will never overdo it with feeding your monster.
Sudden Temperature Stress

Another answer to your question: “Why is my Monstera droopy?” is sudden temperature stress. There are a few common moments when this can happen;
- Plants are often exposed to temperature extremes during delivery or on display at the store, which can cause your plant to suffer soon after you bring it home.
- Is your plant located near a heating or cooling vent, a draft window, or a radiator? Make sure to move your plant to a place away from sudden temperature changes.
- If you leave your Monster outside during the summer, don’t forget to bring it before the cold autumn/fall night approaches. Low night temperatures can cause severe temperature stress, causing your Monstera to get brown spots and wither.
How To Fix And Avoid Temperature Problems?
The only way to protect your monster from the cold is to move it to a warmer place. Make sure there is no cold draft nearby and make sure to achieve the ideal temperature range.
Always remember to choose a place for your monster that is not directly in front of or near vents, heaters, or air conditioners.
Once you move your plant to a warmer place and take care of it carefully, your Monstera will most likely recover. You can prune the affected leaves and let the rest of the plant recover.
We’ve Come To An End Of Why Is My Monstera Droopy?

We hope you learned in today’s article how to recognize the reasons your monster is droopy.
Why is my monster droopy? After reading today’s article, your monstera will surely be a healthy plant in your living room again and will attract attention because of its beautiful and fresh look.
And it won’t be droopy anymore! As always, save this article so you have information close at hand when you need it again.