Nowadays, when even vegetables can reach our door with one click, where due to the strong advertising on the internet we want to eat healthily – let’s do it! But some vegetable with long names is specific.
Let a healthy diet not just stay on reading on various sites! A healthy diet does not require much effort, it is much easier to prepare and procure than fast food.
When you plant it, with one visit to your balcony you have a basket full of healthy vegetables.
Let’s learn more about 11 vegetables with long names today and plant or procure them tomorrow, and start actively using them in our diet.
I hope you made coffee or a healthy shake.
Let’s read.
Leafy Vegetable With Long Names

There are not many leafy vegetables that can cross your mind at first. But when you think about it, carefully, you might wonder how come you don’t eat them more often?
With so many leafy vegetables you could make different lunch or brunch every day for your wok, healthy one as well. Leafy vegetables that you can use perfectly in cookery are:
- asparagus;
- capsicum;
- salads;
- lettuce;
- arugula;
- broccoli;
- fenugreek and many more.
Edible Plants Parts Of Leafy Vegetable With Long Names

Not all leafy vegetables are fully edible. Some say that when you wash vegetables that’s pretty much it, but I’m afraid it’s not.
You may try it, but once you taste certain parts, especially if they’ve been grown in the wrong type of soil, that won’t be tasty.
Edible plant parts of the leafy plants are (90% of the time) just leaves. Stems are just not for eating. They are tasteless, even if you read on Facebook how healthy it is, it is not.
There is nothing healthy about stems, so just focus on the tasty leaves with no guilt! Put some pepper and salt on them and enjoy those organic leaves!
Root Vegetables With Long Vegetable Names

I am sure that most of us hated these vegetables when we were younger but once we grew up, we sort of cook them in our meals almost every day. But just like these above, they give us the needed nutrients for our body and energy as well.
Some of the most famous root vegetables with English names are:
- potato;
- beetroot;
- garlic;
- carrot;
- jicama;
- sweet potato;
- galangal;
- water chestnut;
- lotus root and many others.
1. All About Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is a perennial crop that belongs to the slag family (Convolvulaceae). It originates from Central and South America. Until recently, it was a relatively unknown culture in Europe.
It is used in the diet cooked or baked and contains many carbohydrates, vitamins (A, C, E, B6), and minerals (Cu, Mn, K, Fe). Because it contains very little fat, it is an ideal diet for athletes.
Young leaves and tops of the plant are used, as well as secondary thickenings of the roots, which are often mistakenly called tubers. It is one of the most important crops in the world.
Sweet potatoes can be used in the diet as a stand-alone dish or as a side dish. The root is often used to make jams, strudels, and pies, and can be eaten fresh.
The leaves can be used as well as spinach. It is often used in the pharmaceutical industry to make dietary products and is also used as animal feed.
2. Spinach And Its Benefits

Spinach (Spinacea oleracea) is an annual plant that is popular for growing in vegetable gardens. The plant originates from western Asia, where it is considered wild. It was first mentioned in Europe around 1100 in Germany and was grown in gardens.
Spinach was later grown with smooth seed and the name originated in France as an association with the Persian name. It has been used in food and breeding for more than 2,000 years and has developed into a permanent plant on family farms.
Spinach is a herbaceous plant from the water lily family and forms a low shrub and leaf rosette. It is rich in vitamin D, C and E.
In addition, it is an important source of iron and is rich in minerals. However, it must be properly prepared and consumed because the accumulation of nitrate salts can have side effects on the body.
3. How Do We Feel About Cabbage

Cabbage comes from the Brassicaceae family, which is present on the rocky shores of Europe, from the Mediterranean coast to Ireland. It is a biennial herbaceous plant that is extremely popular in almost all households.
This type of vegetable is rich in vitamin C and minerals. As a result of bending the leaves, the cabbage develops a large bud.
Vegetative organs develop in the first year (root, stem, leaves), while generative organs (tree, seeds, flowers, and fruits) are formed in the second year.
The specific root system contains several thick veins from which small veins emerge from the side. In addition to the underground part of the root, the above-ground part includes the most famous head of cabbage.
4. Kids Love Green Bean Right?

Green bean (Pisum sativum) is an annual plant that belongs to the legume family. Green beans are also known as lepers and beans.
Many important plants are related to peas, such as chickpeas, lentils, legumes, soybeans, clover, and ornamental plants such as wisteria, acacia, and Albicans. It is rich in vitamins C, A, and E.
The green bean is native to Asia Minor. It is grown in almost all parts of the world because it is highly valued as a culinary food.
It is very economically viable because it gives a high yield and does not require much investment. The largest exporters are Russia, China, India, and the United States.
The leaves are dark green and evenly feathered and have one to three pairs of leaves, and have a tendril at the top. The leaves are organized in a clustered inflorescence and have one pistil and 10 anthers.
5. Gotta Love Asparagus A Vegetable With Long Names

Asparagus (Asparagus Officinalis) is a seasonal vegetable and its shoots are harvested in the coastal area in April and May, and in the continental area in May and June.
Unlike the USA, white asparagus is more prized in Europe, although green has better nutritional value.
The specific smell and taste come from essential oils, tyrosine and methyl mercaptan, glycosides, succinic and aspartic acid, arginine, choline, saponin, and flavonoids.
An important part is a middle, thickened root that stimulates the growth of the aboveground part after the dormancy phase. It is rich in vitamin A.
According to age, there are more and more of them over the years. Asparagus blooms only from the second or third year, and the fruit is a red juicy bean that contains seeds.
6. How Do We Stand With Eggplant

Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is a plant species in the helper family, potato (lat. Solanaceae). It is grown all over the world for its edible fruits. For eggplant, we often think that it is a vegetable, although it belongs to the fruit, more precisely to the berries.
Eggplant is classified as a berry because it contains tiny, edible seeds. Eggplant shares the genus with tomatoes, potatoes, cayenne peppers, and other colorful foods.
Tobacco and many poisonous plants are also part of this family. It is usually purple-blue. All fruits are yellow when fully ripe, but this phase occurs after the time during which we eat this fruit.
Eggplant is named after a fruit that looks like a goose egg. Eggplant may not have as much nutritional value, but it has few calories and is a good source of dietary fiber, especially if the peel is not removed.
It also contains a small amount of the minerals calcium and manganese, as well as vitamins C and B and phosphorus.
7. What About Onion?

Onion (Allium cepa) belongs to the family of onions or lilies and is a perennial plant. It has a round stem that is thinner at the top and wide, belly-shaped at the bottom.
The flowers can be green and white, arranged in a globular inflorescence.
The fruit of the onion is a ball-shaped seed mostly black in color. The bulb can be flat or round, depending on the varieties that differ in size, taste, and shape.
It is not a vegetable that’s full of nutrients, but it gives that specific taste and smell to the food that most of us love.
We know it as a bulb that we use in our diet almost every day. Although often called red onion, its outer scaly leaves can be different colors like brown, white or red, it is important to know that all these forms of onion are very medicinal.
8. Cucumber (To Eat Or Apply To My Face)?

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus), also known as cucumber or cucumber, is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the pumpkin family.
From a botanical point of view, just like tomatoes, it belongs to the fruit, but in everyday use, it is trained as a vegetable.
There is controversy about the origin of the cucumber, so there is an opinion that it originates from tropical Africa, but also that according to which the cucumber developed by human intervention on the slopes of the Himalayas.
It is believed to have been brought to Europe like many other plant species by the Romans, and its cultivation is mentioned in documents from France in the 9th century and from England in the 14th century.
Nowadays, cucumber is grown in open fields, but also jars and greenhouses, and is consumed in a fresh form as a salad cucumber.
As much as 97% of cucumber is water, so it is not surprising that it is extremely low in calories, to be exact, and has only 12 kcal. It is rich in vitamin B.
The largest producer of cucumbers in the world is China, which holds as much as 60% of world production, followed by Turkey, Russia, and the United States.
9. I’m Sure We Love Tomatoes

The tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum), is an annual plant from the Solanaceae family. From a botanical point of view, tomatoes belong to the fruit but are considered a vegetable in cooking and trade.
There are different types of tomatoes such as Roma tomato, cherry tomato, early girl, better boy, etc.
It is grown mostly in warmer regions, clearly because of its fruits, which are consumed fresh, but also cooked, canned, and processed. Its tree is herbaceous and branched.
The tree itself is covered with hairs and is sticky, while the flowers are yellow and are gathered in clusters. Tomato fruits are initially green in color, and when ripe they take on a dark red color.
10. Love Or Hate Zucchini

Zucchini (Lagenaria siceraria) is a vegetable plant that is increasingly popular in private vegetable gardens and mass production due to its positive properties.
The pumpkin family is known for many types of pumpkins, squash, but also cucumbers, which are popular summer plants due to their high water content.
Also, their neutral taste increases their popularity in many summer and light dishes. Its flavor is similar to cucumber and some say even radish.
Zucchini is an annual shrubby plant. It grows as a compact shrub. The leaves are dark green with small needles that are felt to the touch. It is rich in vitamins E and A.
It blooms with a large yellow flower that produces an oblong fruit of dark green, white, and light green color, sometimes interspersed with straight lines or dots.
11. Is Celery Alright?

Celery is a plant native to the Mediterranean that has been used since 850 BC and is characterized by numerous medicinal and nutritional properties.
The most common species is wild celery (Apium graveolens), and we distinguish 3 species: celery root, celery leaf, and celery rib. It’s rich in vitamins D and E.
Celery is planted on the soil of a granular structure that must be well prepared and is grown in crop rotation. It seeks humus-rich soil that has a large water capacity.
That Is It About A Vegetable With Long Names

Now that you know more about these healthy vegetables, you could buy some seeds and plant some as well!
I think we all know how important it is to add vegetables and fruits into our daily eating schedule.
We don’t have to be talked into it anymore, we can read about it, and decide to plant at least one of these 11 vegetables with long names in our yard or even on our balcony.
Until next time darlings!