Trees are a great addition to the home garden. There are so many species and cultivars from this plant family, but the prettiest are natural flowering trees. Especially a tree with white flowers.
Every flowering tree has flowers, that can be in many colors. Our experience shows us that the most popular flowering trees are with pink and white flowers. Today we will only focus on the trees with white flowers.
In this article, we will introduce you to our TOP 10 white flowering trees with of course the best gardening tips!
Here you will definitely find the perfect tree for you, your ideal tree with fragrant white flowers! The following list is our TOP 10 white flowering trees. Enjoy!
1. Cherry Plum (Prunus Cerasifera)

Our first favorite in the white blossom category is the cherry plum. You may also know this under the name Turkish cherry.
This plant can grow in a shrub habit, but this variety is most commonly found as a small deciduous tree. The cherry plums are 15 feet tall to 30 feet tall, so it really fits in every garden.
The leaves of this beautiful strain are in mid-summer green. The leaves in combination with flowers cover the bare branches and make everything prettier. You can expect this to happen in early spring, more precisely in March.
Other beautiful varieties of cherry trees:
- Morello cherry (Prunus cerasus)
- Yoshino cherry tree (Prunus x yedoensis)
- Blackthorn (Prunus Spinosa)
- Almond tree (Prunus Dulcis)
- Rock cherry (Prunus Mahaleb)
- Bird cherry (Prunus Padus)

The Right Location For These White Flowering Trees
This small deciduous tree with sweet fruits and beautiful flowers loves warm and sunny places. Also, they can attract birds. So make the right choice when it comes to location.
The sun plays a big part in bud production. Because the more full sun shines on the tree, the more white flowers there will be. But even if this beauty loves the warmth, she is also frost hardy.
How To Properly Care For The Cherry Trees?
The cherry plum tree is only minimally demanding when it comes to care. It is best to plant this tree in autumn or late spring.
The right soil for this variety is really any garden soil, whether clay soil or sandy soil.
The plant should be watered regularly, especially in mid-summer, but if you forget it is not a problem. Because the small tree will tolerate drought well.
2. Japanese Flowering Dogwood (Cornus Kousa)

This beautiful strain brings an exotic flair to your garden with beautiful foliage and enchanting flowers. This small tree can get 15 to 25 feet tall and so is the width of the plant.
The leaves have a glossy texture and a gorgeous dark green color. But what is particularly impressive about these leaves is of course the autumn color in a bright red.
The highlight is white flowers, which can be expected from early spring to April, and May, which last into early summer. Each flower has four beautiful petals that are pointed at the end, which can also appear in a creamy white color.

The Right Location For The Japanese Flower Dogwood
Due to its growth height and width, this tree can cope with any garden size. You can plant it in every corner. It is a medium-sized tree.
You should make sure that the place has enough light and full sun. Because this tree loves warmth and brightness, even a full sun spot or partial shade will not harm the growth and development of these trees.
Most importantly, this spot in the garden is sheltered, especially from the wind.
Care Of The Japanese Flower Dogwood
Flowering a Japanese flower dogwood is almost the same as with the giant dogwood. It is an undemanding plant, which is also ideal for our beginners in the gardening world.
Loose and well-drained soil should be prepared for this beautiful tree with white flowers.
Because these plants have difficulty dealing with wet and heavy soil, this will be noticeable in the growth height. And the tree produces fewer buds.
You should only water regularly in the first year.
3. European Pear, Common Pear (Pyrus Communis)

One of the most popular compact tree species is the beautiful pear. This tree species can become 25 to 30 feet tall with a beautiful rounded crown. So it is a medium-sized landscape tree.
On this crown one can observe the beauty of nature. The crown has an all-year rounded form. In early spring you will discover the first flower buds.
From these buds, many white fragrant flowers will develop throughout the crown. In early summer it is the turn of the oval, deciduous leaves.
Of course, there is also the popular edible fruit, the pear. Which brings this tree the rank with apple trees. Maybe pears are even more popular than the red plum-shaped fruit or a bluish-black fruit.
In autumn or late summer, we will find a beautiful yellow fall coloration.
This fruit tree is particularly attractive for domestic gardens. Precisely because of the beautiful blossoms from April to May with a lovely fragrance.

Location Of Pear Trees In The Home Garden
The cultivated pears are rather undemanding trees that can be planted anywhere.
The pear is particularly happy in a sunny spot in the garden, full sun, but the tree will also like partial shade. With these varieties, however, you should rather avoid the dark shade, as this will have a negative effect on both the flowers and the fruits.
In winter there is no need to worry as this strain is quite hardy.
Right Care For Pear Tree With White Flowers
This plant has few demands on the soil. Deep and well-drained soil is required, so any garden soil will do for this strain.
Only in the first year of the plant should you watch out for dry periods in mid and late summer and water more. After that, you can relax.
4. Dove-Tree, Handkerchief Tree (Davidia Involucrata)

The handkerchief tree is a very special kind of tree with white flowers. It is especially known for its flower shape.
This variety belongs to small trees because they can become from 20 feet tall to about 60 feet tall. This tree is a little smaller in width, it can grow up to 40 feet in width. Over time, the crown becomes more and more of a circular shape.
The Davidia Involucrata also impresses with its beautiful leaves, which can be up to 4-5 inches in size. In early spring, late spring, and early summer, these heart-shaped leaves are in gorgeous, rich green color.
However, like other deciduous trees, the color changes in autumn, when the leaves tend to turn golden, orange, and even a bit reddish.
The large 6 inches of white flowers (May to June) are more like bracts from a botanical point of view, but whatever, the tree is simply unique with the flower shape and thanks to this it got its name!

Perfect Location For The Handkerchief Tree
If you have a young plant of this variety, then you should definitely pay attention to the location. These trees are hardier in old age, so you need a warm and full sun location.
The water should not be close to the site, because these plants cannot handle waterlogging. A sheltered location is also very important for proper development.
Right Care For The Handkerchief Tree With White Flowers
The soil should be well-drained for these unique trees with white flowers and enriched with plenty of humus. You should always keep the soil fresh and only moderately moist.
So please don’t forget to water in summer, because the tree will not be able to handle a longer drought. When pouring you have to show good instincts.
5. Yellowwood (Cladrastis Lutea)

As the name of this plant already revealed, this tree is native to America, to be more precise, Eastern North America. This popular tree with white flowers has also found its way into the home gardens all over Europe.
It can reach up to 30 – 50 feet tall with a magnificent crown that becomes more rounded and luxuriant with age.
The crown is enriched by beautiful pinnate leaves, which have a deciduous color in late spring and early summer, but in autumn the spectacle of nature begins. The leaves turn golden and make the garden a magical place.
But of course, the flowers are also a beautiful highlight of the tree. We get to see these in May and they last into June. The flowers are divided into racemes in the famous white color.
Location Of Yellowwood
This beautiful tree needs a lot of full sun to thrive. So reserve this tree a place where the full sun can shine directly on it.
Heat also plays a big role in the development of the tree, so keep that in mind when choosing the right spot in the garden. This spot should also be sheltered from the wind, especially during flowering.
Yellowwood Care
This beautiful tree species have fewer demands on the soil than other trees. The soil should be rich in nutrients and very deep as this tree is a deep rooter.
You should only water the first year during dry periods when the tree needs additional watering. But after the first year, you can be more relaxed about watering. You should only add a little water if necessary.
6. Service Tree, Sorb Tree With Creamy White Flowers (Sorbus domestica)

The Service tree is a beautiful and very popular tree species with white flowers for the garden or front yard.
This tree can get to 50 feet tall with a magnificent canopy that can be up to 40 feet wide. The crown is lush with beautiful dark green leaves. These pinnate leaves can grow up to 8 inches.
The flowers are of course the eye-catcher on such trees. White blooms can only be expected at a certain age of the trees, for most, it is about 10 years.
After this time you can expect the first flowers in May. The white blooms form a snowball and this really draws everyone’s attention to the tree.
The beautiful white color of the flowers provides the perfect contrast to the dark green leaves.

Location Of The Creamy White Flowers Tree
This tree loves dry, warm, and light. So use this information to find the perfect spot in the garden. Direct sun, lots of warmth, and protection from the wind would be best.
It is particularly important that you protect the tree from waterlogging. Because these varieties cannot deal with waterlogging.
Care Of This Tree With White Blooms
The soil should be very dry for this type of tree and, if possible, enriched with a lot of lime. Acidic or neutral soils are not a good option for these trees as they can affect the development of the tree.
You only need to water a little, because the tree loves drought and it copes great with dry periods in summer.
To stimulate growth a bit, you can add a bit of humus or compost to the substrate every early spring.
7. Saucer Magnolia (Magnolia X Soulangeana)

This small tree can also be described as a shrub with a size of about 20 – 30 feet tall and a width of 30 feet. This beautiful variety is particularly suitable for front gardens.
The Tulip Magnolia allows us to contemplate all the magic of nature all year round. First, we have beautiful oval-shaped leaves in an enchanting light green color. These always grow luxuriantly and very close together.
After that, during the flowering period, which starts in May and lasts until the end of June, we have beautiful white-colored flowers. But with this white color, there is a dash of soft pink blossoms or pink flowers.
The glossy green leaves grow in a typical tulip shape, which is why this strain is so popular.
In the fall, the tree will be even more enchanting with its autumn colors. Because during this time the leaves turn in bright yellow.

Best Location Of Tulip Magnolia
For these trees, a sunny spot is the best option for the garden, as it allows them to develop all their splendor easily and quickly. Partial shade will not be a problem for this tree either.
Only you should avoid the complete shade. That will have a significant effect on the flowers. The less light and full sun, the less the flower will grow.
Carie Of The Tulip Magnolia Tree With White Flowers
The garden soil should be slightly acidic for the Tulip Magnolia. Fresh and moist soil should be the rule. So don’t forget to water and pay attention to it, especially in summer!
After that, you should also make sure that the soil is well enriched with nutrients and humus. Good permeability is also important because this plant cannot cope with waterlogging.
More Magnolias With White Flowers
- Southern magnolia tree (Magnolia grandiflora)
- Star magnolia (Magnolia stellata)
- Cucumber tree (Magnolia acuminata)
- Sweetbay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana)
- Loebner magnolia (Magnolia x loebneri)
8. Horse chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum)

These trees with white flowers are just the thing to make a beautiful addition to large gardens. Because of its breathtaking size of 50 to 70 feet tall and the width of 80 feet, this tree belongs in the category of large trees.
The glossy evergreen leaves grow dense and lush at the crown of the tree. The leaves are lobed with a smooth and glossy texture.
In early spring, late spring, and early summer, the leaves have a beautiful rich green color, which turns golden-yellow in autumn.
Of course, the flowers are also a highlight here. The flower buds form in early spring, and to be more precise, the flowering period begins in May. We will be able to enjoy large clusters of flowers in a white flower color with a touch of pink.

Location Of The Horse Chestnut
Horse Chestnut should be fully exposed to the sun. This way it will always grow magnificently.
The location in the garden should also be a bit warmer and protected from the wind. This is especially important in the first year after planting.
Care For The Horse Chestnut
Well-drained soil is very important for this variety. Enriched with many nutrients and in early spring with compost, this will give the necessary kick for growth.
Watering and other maintenance steps are not necessary for this strain.
If you are looking for other large trees, then we have the most beautiful and most popular variety on our homepage.
9. Single Hawthorn, Common Hawthorn (Crataegus Monogyna)

The common hawthorn belongs to the category of small trees and some also classify it in the category of shrubs. Because this small tree can reach a size of about 20 feet tall, these trees rarely get taller.
The hawthorn grows luxuriantly and densely due to the large and lobed leaves. We will be able to enjoy these in a summer green throughout late spring and summer.
In autumn these leaves turn a beautiful hue of a mixture of gold and brown. The flowers do not appear until May and bring that special something to the tree.

Location Of Hawthorn Tree With White Flowers
If you want lush leaves and beautiful flowers, then you should go to a sunny and warm location. The light and the warmth have a great influence on the plant.
More light, more luxuriant the growth and if there is little light, you will notice this immediately, also on the fruit.
Care Of The Hawthorn Tree With White Flowers
There isn’t much to worry about with this plant in terms of care. It’s fairly uncomplicated and undemanding.
Any garden soil is suitable for this beautiful variety, but you should pay attention to the salt content, which should not be too high.
When this plant is young, you should only pay attention to the dry periods, because then you should water a little more.
10. Snowbell Tree (Halesia Monticola)

The snowbell tree is a sweet addition to your garden. At 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide, it really will fit into any garden, big or small.
In summer and late spring, you can enjoy the lush growth of the leaves in a beautiful rich green color. The leaves are egg-shaped and grow up to 4 inches with a pointed end.
The leaves have a very interesting texture as you can notice fine hairs on the leaf surface. In April you can expect the real highlight, the beautiful pure white bell-shaped flowers.

Location Of The Snowbell Tree With White Flowers
This tree needs plenty of full sun in order to be able to develop the beautiful blossom lushly. However, this variety is not so sensitive, and partial shade will also be a good option.
Also, a great tip, plant sheltered from the wind, so the flowers will stay on the tree longer.
Care Of The Snowbell Tree And His Bell-Shaped Flowers
The soil for this beautiful strain should be slightly acidic and very well-drained. So always mix in a bit of sand or gravel to prevent waterlogging.
This variety is always easy to care for. One of the reasons is that watering should only be done during the dry periods in summer.
Wrap Up About The Tree With White Flowers

On our list are just our TOP 10. But there is an enormous number of breathtaking trees with white flowers, which did not make the cut.
For example the famous American fringe tree. The American fringe tree is a great native tree, not suited to be a lawn tree. Also the giant dogwood (Cornus kousa). Any ornamental tree with white flowers. Or all sorts of magnolias like the star magnolia, and the southern magnolia tree.
To the expended list you can add also Yoshino cherry trees, the Japanese flowering cherry. Or the royal white redbud and the Japanese crepe myrtle trees (Lagerstroemia indica), Natchez crape myrtle tree (Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei), and many others.