In today’s article, we will talk about plant with red stem, more precisely about 11 plants with red stems.
These plants are not very demanding, although, to some, their reddish stems make them more challenging than those with green stems.
Today we will mention 11 types of these plants and I am sure that you will like at least one of them and that at least one type of this plant will grow close to your heart.
Although they have red stems, these plants come in many variations: red and green leaves, dark green leaves, light green leaves, dark purple leaves, green and red leaves with white dots, and so on.
Let’s get started if you are ready to learn more about these plants. I hope your coffee is ready.
Plant With Red Stems (Ornamental Plants Features)

You will adore flowering herbaceous perennials in your home, I just know it! These amazing plants have so many wonderful flower features to offer.
Lime green leaves, red and green foliage, small yellow flowers, white flowers, and much more depending on which plan you chose.
Green or red stems, it doesn’t matter if you’re a plant lover, but to be honest, red stems add a bit of elegance to your home and they do have a more ornamental feature.
Red leaf houseplants and red stems houseplants will be the best ornamental plant you have if you take care of them correctly.
Plants with red stems are perennial plants. No matter which herbaceous plant you choose, if you decide on elliptical green leaves, pale green leaves, or bright pink flowers, you’ll enjoy them. You can also find a trailing plant between these red-stem plants.
Why Plants Have Red Stems?
Anthocyanins are the pigments that are found in plants and they are pretty much responsible for the color of the stems. The more anthocyanins in the plants, the reddish will your plant be. Well, its stems to be precise. Red stems are most popular in herbaceous species.
Care Guide For Red Stems Plants

As we said at the beginning, these plants are not demanding plants to care for. However, each of these plants has its own particulars to pay attention to and today we will go through each of these plants in detail.
Although these plants, i.e. most of them, are characteristic of western North America, they are also found in other parts of America and Europe.
Let’s learn all about the care guide for these plants.
1. About Dwarf Jade Plant

These adorable little plants will make your home, even more, homier once you get them. Small leaves in the form of teardrops are formed into small trees or shrubs and you can put them. When you prune this plant, it looks like a bonsai tree in your home.
Light Conditions
This plant needs about 5 to 6 hours of indirect bright light during the day, but full sun for an hour or two won’t do harm to this plant as well. East-facing windows would be the best position for this plant. Plant growth depends on the right light conditions and light schedule.
Watering Needs
Just like a bonsai tree, dwarf jade plants have low watering needs. It’s okay if you water it twice in two weeks and you won’t be able to tell the difference. Plants will still grow happily and healthily. If, just in case, you notice that the soil is too dry after 10 days, do a finger check and see if your plants need water. Distilled water is the best choice.
Soil Type
The best soil type for this dwarf jade plant is a regular potting mix you’re using for most of your houseplants. Cactus potting soil is also a good choice and perlite soil is as well. Sand wouldn’t be a good choice for this plant because it doesn’t have the needed nutrients for this jade plant.
Temperature And Humidity
This plant originates from South Africa, and because of that, its optimal range of temperature should be between 65 to 75 F. Everything below 65 F can affect its leaves.
When it comes to humidity levels, the best percentage for this plant is 30 to 50% humidity. 70% humidity and above can also affect its leaves. With such high humidity, plants might look droopy.
In the spring and autumn period apply a regular house fertilizer. This plant has regular fertilizer needs, but it’s best to use fertilizer the most in its active growth season.
2. Mountain Pepper A Plant With Red Stems

The first thing you will notice about this plant is its thin red stems and fat green leaves that you will fall in love with. The simplicity of this plant with only two perfect colors is the reason why so many gardeners love it and grow it in their homes, gardens, and terraces.
Light Conditions
Mountain pepper plants enjoy bright sunlight and a bit of morning sun. During winter, it can be exposed to full sunlight conditions since the winter sun isn’t strong as in summertime. If grown indoors, you can place it on a south-facing window, or west-facing window.
Watering Needs
Since this plant is native to Tasmania, there is a lot of rain and humidity in that area. It would be best to keep its soil moist, just not too moist. If you water it all the time, its leaves might fall off really soon, it can look droopy, yellow leaves issue might appear, and much more. tap water is just fine for mountain pepper.
Soil Type
The best soil type for mountain pepper is well-drained soil with a neutral to acidic pH. Perlite is also fine, but a regular house mix isn’t very recommendable due to its acidic pH. This plant needs acidic soil. Sand shouldn’t be an option as well.
Temperature And Humidity
The temperature range can be from 60 to 70 F. Tasmania is oceanic on the coasts and has cool summers, so it can tolerate cooler temperatures as well. Humidity levels should be 50 to 60% at the most.
You can use a liquid and regular house fertilizer for the Tasmania mountain pepper plant. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers aren’t recommendable.
3. Amaranth Plant Grows Well Indoors Too

You will enjoy the blooms of amaranth plants, which are cluster-like in shape. Dark pink-purple small flowers are a wonderful sight for everyone’s garden and house during the beginning of their growth since they grow more than ordinary houseplants and belong to trailing plants.
Light Conditions
Amaranth plants thrive best in full sunlight conditions. They are grown as leaf vegetables and since they’re an invasive plant, they can tolerate a bit of shade as well, but only for an hour or two daily.
Their light conditions are very similar to red tree peperomia which also likes direct sunlight. Red twist peperomia and most types of peperomia enjoy these light conditions and some even have red stems.
Watering Needs
Its watering needs are pretty solid and moderate. You can water them on weekly basis once. If the weather is too hot, you can do it twice, but the second time should be definitely less water than the first time.
Soil Type
The best soil type is soil with equal amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. Just like vegetable crops, they need rich soil types. They can tolerate dry soil, but not for a long time.
Temperature And Humidity
They prefer temperatures between 70 F and 85 F. Their native habitat is North and Central America, so have that in mind when planting it. Humidity levels should be from 40 to 50%.
If you want to see wonderful dark red flowers, make sure you fertilize them in the springtime with a regular house fertilizer.
4. Peonies Plants For A Nicer Home Decor

These lovely fragrant flowers that can live up to 100 years come in many colors, shapes, and sizes and at the first glance, they’re very similar to roses. You’ll definitely want these plants on your terrace or in your garden.
Light Conditions
When you plant them (in early summer) make sure you provide them with full sun for at least 5 hours a day. They can also grow well in bright light conditions but the shade isn’t the smartest idea. If you want to see bright pink flowers and enjoy its bright red foliage, provide this garden perennial with sunlight.
Watering Needs
Provide it with good drainage in summer and spring, and when the autumn comes, water it less. Excessive watering can lead to many problems. It’s very similar to red stemmed begonia with its watering needs.
Soil Type
These lovely gentle plants are very adaptable to any soil type, but if you want the best for this plant, use well-drained, slightly acidic soil (6.5-7.0 pH) for peonies plants.
Temperature And Humidity
They can tolerate temperatures from 30 F to 55 F. Just as for the soil type, they’re very adapted when it comes to the range of temperatures. Too humid air is a dangerous area for this plant because soon enough diseases can appear on your plant.
Fertilize them well in their growing season (late spring and early summer) with house fertilizer. This perennial plant doesn’t need more fertilizing than that.
5. Elephant Bush Is Lovely As Well

You will fall in love with these heart-shaped petals and their greasy shiny appearance. These plants come from South Africa originally. They are a perfect indoor and outdoor plant. They’re also perfect for a hanging basket.
Light Conditions
Light conditions for this plant are quite simple. give her direct sun for two hours, the morning sun would be the best option, and let her spend the rest of the day in partial shade. Oilier leaves are more resistant, but still not so much.
Watering Needs
Just like her light requirements, her watering needs are simple. Once every 10 days is enough water for elephant bush plants. Tap water is fine, as is rainwater. Make drainage holes in its pots.
Soil Type
Cactus soil or potting soil cut by half with sand is most suitable for elephant bush plants. Regular potting mix is not a good choice, nor is perlite soil type. This plant does not like acidic soil.
Temperature And Humidity
The perfect temperature ratio for elephant bush plants is 65F to 80F. Night-time temperatures can drop a bit and it won’t do any harm to your plant, as long as it’s not very radical. When it comes to the humidity levels, best is around 60%.
It is important to mention that this plant doesn’t have to be fertilized during winter or late fall. When fertilizing in its growing season in spring, use commercial fertilizer (15-15-15).
6. Castor Bean Will Make You Happy

Besides being so beautiful with its red blooms and lovely green leaves, this plant has anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anti-bacterial, laxative, abortifacient, for wounds, and many other benefits. It’s easy to maintain and you’ll adore it! The plant is also called castor oil plant.
Light Conditions
The Castor bean plant enjoys bright indirect light the most. When planting outside, you can combine it with partial shade, but when grown indoors, bright light is perfect from the very beginning. This plant hates direct sunlight.
Watering Needs
Its watering needs are pretty simple and basic. If you want this plant to thrive healthily, water it once a week, when temperatures are higher than usual, do it twice a week.
Soil Type
Castor bean doesn’t like acidic soils. When choosing the perfect soil for castor bean plants, it’s best to choose perlite or peat moss. pH should be between 6 and 7. Well-draining soils do miracles for this plant.
Temperature And Humidity
Castor beans prefer temperatures between 50 and 65 F. the lowest temperature castor bean can go is 45 F. Humidity levels should be medium or a bit above.
Well-rotted organic compost is more than suitable for this plant. Liquid fertilizers aren’t recommendable.
7. Pokeweed Plant With Red Stems Is A Good Choice Too

Similar to berries (grape-like green berries) this plant is all you need in your garden. If you don’t have many colors in your garden lately, this plant will crash the monotony. The pokeweed plant comes from the Northern parts of America and can also be found in Florida.
Light Conditions
Place the pokeweed plant on the south window where it can get bright light and a bit of partial shade. You can expose pokeweed plants to direct sun in the morning hours when the light is soft.
Watering Needs
When watering pokeweed water, make sure you’re using rainwater or distilled water, the plant is very sensitive. During hotter days, water in the early morning hours twice a week. When temperatures are lower, you can water it in the morning or in the afternoon once a week.
Soil Type
Medium moisture, well-drained soils work the best for these plants. When planted at first, keep it in the full sun for a couple of days.
Temperature And Humidity
If you expect your plant to thrive well, provide it with a temperature between 60 and 70 F. Humidity levels can be from lower to medium, to be precise, from 40 to 65%.
Most people don’t fertilize pokeweed plants at all, and they’re right. If you buy soil that has enough nutrients, fertilizer won’t be needed.
8. Lady’s Mantle Plants With Red Stems

Also called, alchemilla is one of the herbaceous perennial plants. This plant is 95% of the time planted as a garden plant since it grows pretty bushy. It will brighten up your garden with its pale yellow tiny flowers and pale green leaves.
Light Conditions
Plant your beautiful lady’s mantle plant in a west window where it will receive indirect light and be in the shade for at least half the day. The plant does not like a lot of sun in the summer, so consider planting it under a terrace or similar.
Watering Needs
The plant is not fussy when it comes to the type of water you need to water it with. Tap water, rainwater, distilled water, it doesn’t matter. You can water it up to 3 times in ten days when the temperatures are high.
Soil Type
The type of soil in which you plant this plant also does not play a huge role. The plant grows in 90% of soil types, and in this regard, you can simply plant it in a regular potting mix and you will be happy.
Temperature And Humidity
The plant grows well in regions that have temperatures between 55 and 75 F maximum. It does not handle temperatures below 45 F very well. Humidity should be around 60%.
Use a regular houseplants fertilizer for this plant and you won’t have any issues. It has all the nutrients your plant needs.
9. Wine Berry And Its Reddish Stems

Wineberry plants are very similar to raspberries, and just like raspberries, they are also edible. If you lack color lately in your garden, plant wine berries due to their red fruits. They are super easy to maintain.
Light Conditions
The light that this plant need is direct sun during the morning hours and partial shade, i.e. mild sun during the afternoon. You can achieve this if you plant the plant under the terrace or near a tree.
Watering Needs
When it comes to its water requirements, you can water it every three to four days, especially during the period when new fruits should be produced. Rainwater or tap water, it doesn’t matter, the wineberry plant will appreciate any type of water.
Soil Type
The soil that best suits this plant is chert, perlite, and potting mix, basically any type of soil will be good for this plant as long as it is well drained.
Temperature And Humidity
The plant is easily adaptable to various temperatures, it will not tolerate frost very well, but it will not die if it is not exposed to such conditions for a long time. The ideal temperature is between 655 and 65 F.
The plant does not require fertilizer unless you want to improve its chances of fruiting and flowering.
10. Himalayan Balsam And Its Lovely Violet Flowers

If you have a piece of unused soil behind the house that could have a better purpose, plant a Himalayan balsam plant there. The plant grows like wheat, suddenly it spreads and soon you have a whole small plot full of these beautiful purple flowers.
Light Conditions
Direct sun, bright indirect light, and everything besides shade is the perfect light conditions the Himalayan plant like the most. This plant needs sun to thrive. It can’t thrive in shade.
Watering Needs
Water the plant once in 15 days and it will survive. It is a drought-tolerant plant, but for its own good, don’t leave it in such donations for too long. Plant with more water does give a better healthier look.
Soil Type
The best soil types are perlite and peat moss. Since its watering schedule isn’t “a must” every couple of days, well-draining soil is recommendable. Loamy soils aren’t great for this plant.
Temperature And Humidity
The best temperature ratio for the Himalayan balsam plant is between 65 and 75 F. The plant can tolerate a lack of water, even the sun sometimes, but they can’t tolerate lower temperatures. Humidity levels can be from 40 to 50%.
The plant doesn’t have to be fertilized.
11. Red Osier Dogwood Is Another Amazing Red Stems Plant

Wonderful flowering plants in the family Cornaceae will give an amazing fashion to your garden. Unlike other plants we talked about above, this plant can thrive in colder regions as well. So, if you live in zones 5, 6, and 7, plants will thrive there as well.
Light Conditions
It tolerates almost all light conditions-shade, sun, partial sun, and partial shade, the plant is very easy to grow and every beginner can plant it in its backyard. They are great for the backyard.
Watering Needs
The plant is sort of drought tolerant, but don’t leave it without water longer than 15 days. It doesn’t matter which water type you use, plant will be thankful for any type of water.
Soil Type
Any soil type will suit your dogwood plant: perlite, peat moss, black soil, loamy soil, potting mix, it doesn’t matter. Plant just keeps thriving.
Temperature And Humidity
The perfect temperature ratio is between 50 and 60 F, but lower and higher temperatures are also suitable for this plant/tree. Humidity levels should be around 40%.
The plant doesn’t have to be fertilized. But in case you want to increase its chances of healthier growth, regular fertilizer is just fine.
Pests And Diseases Of Red Stems Plants

Green or red stem, plants will eventually have problems. Sometimes it doesn’t even matter how much attention you give to your plants, they will just get some natural issues.
But of course, there are still things you can do to avoid those problems, and below we’ll learn more about them. So, let’s see what are the most common issues that red stems plants are facing.
Red Spots On The Leaves Of Red Stems Plants
When plants are most of the time exposed to sudden temperature changes, too much heat, and humidity, red spots will appear on your plant. This change in the plants is visible on their leaves and you’ll notice it right away after they form on your leaves.
It’s called Helminthosporium disease and it can be fixed by placing your plant in its normal conditions area and you shouldn’t expose it to much sun during this period.
Leaves Turn Reddish Brown On Plants With Red Stems
Similar to red spots on leaves, brown spots appear because of another cause too: too much sun and lack of water. Once you forget to move your plant from too much sun and forget to water it, brown spots will appear on your leaves.
Sometimes spots, sometimes edges/tips. The best things you can do: prune those tips and make sure it doesn’t spread.
Root Rot Issues On Reddish Stems Plants
As always, with any other plant, with red stems plant too, root rot will appear when you overwater your plant. Once you notice this, your plant is near death and basically nothing can save your plant anymore. But you can watch out for the other plants you have!
Final Thoughts On A Plant With Red Stems

We have come to the end of another article about plants. Today we talked about plant with red stems, more precisely about 11 different variations of these plants.
We learned everything about their care, characteristics, where they come from, and other interesting facts. If you were planning to get one of these plants, I am sure that one of the 11 listed plants fits into your home. If not, you can search our site for other beautiful plants like the crown of thorns.
Among these species, there are various variations of leaves, colors, and shapes, and it should not be difficult to find one for yourself.
If you are still not sure that you have learned their care guide, save this article and revisit it when the plant arrives at your home to be sure.
That would be it for today, see you soon!