What no houseplant owner likes is the emergence of problems. Sometimes it’s insects, sometimes it’s falling leaves, and in our case, today we’re going to talk about tiny black spots on underside of leaves.
That certainly sounds like a more complicated and concrete problem, the cause of which we need to determine as soon as possible to treat it.
Dear friends, do not be afraid, your bulls are in safe hands and today we will talk about exactly that. Then let’s start with a cup of coffee.
Prevent Tiny Black Spots On Underside Of Leaves Thorough Examinations

In today’s article, you will learn how to recognize the problem of black dots on your leaves and how to react.
Like black leaves or any other problem with plants, it is important to react immediately, but not hastily, to react smartly.
That’s why we bring you this article and many tips in it. Let’s start reading.
Spider Mites Can Kill Your Plant Leaves

Damage to spider mites looks like silver, yellow, or black needle-shaped spots on the leaves. These boring arachnids are so small that adults only measure 0.16 inches, so a magnifying glass can help you notice them.
They leave tiny webs on the leaves and joints. At this point, you can use insecticidal soap to the rescue, just spray it from a spray bottle or tap it softly on your plant’s leaves. Liquid dish soap can help you as well.
Plant Insects Don’t Do Good To Plants Indoors

The insect problem is something that every plant owner has to go through. The scales are unique clowns, with a lab face that looks like an aphid. The holes they make are usually silver or orange. Chemical pesticides can solve these issues as well.
Their rose covers the lower leaves and often turns black with mold. The bark of the tree has no legs and looks like a hump on a plant.
Cosnița is another catastrophe for the crustacean family. They add special rolls of fudge to make their colonies look like a fluffy mass of black dots around the joints and under the leaves.
As with other honey secretions, the lower leaves are sticky and often have a black soot fungus.
Many plant insects leave the worst damage, much worse than diseases, especially that tiny black insect. Remove and check nearby plants so that they’re safe, protect leaf surface as well and your plant should be good.
Fungal Infection – Black Spot Fungus

The most common cause of dramatic dark spots is a yeast infection. Not all plants are susceptible to the same fungus. These infections are commonly referred to as “leaf spots”.
The treatment is essentially the same, regardless of the specific fungus affecting the plant. Fungal pathogens, such as wet conditions, spread easily by dripping or spraying. This is the key to solving the problem.
Mold spores remain dormant until they are activated by water. A fungal infection disease starts when the plant is too moist or when the leaves have been watered for too long.
Keeping the plant dry and preventing watering of the leaves is the best prevention and treatment. When you’re treating these problems, wearing gloves is crucial.
Another fungus that’s super boring is sooty mold. But as with most plant diseases, react fast and you can solve them. Nothing that some neem oil or some natural oils applied regularly can’t fix on your plant’s affected leaves. Soon enough, you won’t see little black dots anymore.
How To Treat Fungal Tiny Black Spots On Underside Of Leaves

Once the black spots are active on the whole plant, the only way to control the disease and stop it from spreading is to use an effective disinfectant.
In the spring, when the buds of the rose bush begin to swell, start preventive treatment. Repeat the treatment every 7-14 days until a favorable condition is reached.
This fungicide prevents blackhead infection, stops and controls the active disease, and protects the healthy tissue of roses from the spread of blackheads.
Hand-applied disinfectant concentrates with a hose or tank spray are suitable for larger gardens. The easy-to-use measuring cap simplifies the mixing process, so you get exactly the amount you need.
To combat black spots and protect healthy tissue, spray all plant surfaces until they are completely moist. In this period clean your plant with soapy water and soap salts. Insecticidal soap can help as well during this period.
You can also find black spots on other plants, like black spots on brussel sprouts and others.
Bacterial Diseases Can Cause Black Spots

Black spots on the leaves of houseplants can be a symptom of a bacterial or viral disease, but the prognosis is not as bright as a fungal infection.
Plants are affected by a variety of infectious agents, some species are more resistant than others, but weakened and stressed plants are vulnerable. Too much sun during this period isn’t good, avoid it.
Unfortunately, there is no effective chemotherapy for houseplants. If you suspect such an infection, remove all symptomatic leaves and discard them safely to prevent further infection.
Neem Oil Saves The Day

Often used as a natural pest control agent, neem oil is a natural remedy for controlling various types of fungi.
It does not kill existing fungi but suffocates spores to prevent them from spreading. For maximum effect, the leaves of affected plants should be carefully covered.
Neem oil is safe for the environment and most plants, but direct sunlight can burn the leaves. Do not use it on very young or stressed specimens.
Outdoor plants have these issues as well, but indoor plants are just more sensitive so it’s better to treat them right away.
Baking Soda Works As Fix For Tiny Black Spots On Underside Of Leaves

Outdoor gardeners can use a variety of antifungal agents to control fungal problems in plants. Popular antifungals contain copper and sulfur, both of which are toxic. These chemicals can be used indoors, but safety instructions must be followed very carefully.
When applying to plants, avoid ingestion and wear protective clothing. If pets or children interact with treated plants, it is best not to use these chemicals or move the plants to an unobstructed area.
For a milder solution, try baking soda. Baking soda is an antifungal and can even kill some existing types of mold. A thick layer of baking soda and spots are gone soon. Studies have shown that it is effective against certain types of black spots and powdery mildew.
Avoid Too Much Baking Soda Tho
If you spray your plants regularly with baking soda, they will eventually seep into the soil below. Bicarbonates can accumulate in the soil and affect soil nutrients and slow plant growth.
There are so many factors that affect plant ecosystems that it is difficult to predict the results of spraying sodium bicarbonate on a particular plant. Stop using soda spray on plants if you notice damaged or poor-quality flowers.
Other Spot Problems

The natural decline and black spotting occur when the plants shed their old leaves and transfer their vitality to other parts.
Age problems usually affect the lower leaves, and spontaneous decomposition does not occur on many leaves at once. You will usually notice little black spots. Sometimes, it can even affect the stems, especially in the late wintertime. It can lead to fallen leaves and fleshy leaves issues.
Proper care of the plant can slow down the process. Defoliation and rotation of the plants so that all the leaves take their part to ensure maximum survival.
Underwater damage starts at the root and extends upwards. Damage to the leaves causes serious problems for the plant, so there is no time to delay.
Wet conditions are very important to your plant especially when we talk about new growth. Sometimes, warm water can damage your plant as well. That is why you need to check gardening information before you act/react.
Check by carefully removing the plant from the pot and making sure that the roots are pale, firm, and healthy, with an earthy smell. If you notice black spots or brown roots, your plant is rotting and you need to act.
Final Thoughts On Tiny Black Spots On Underside Of Leaves

That would be all for today my dear ladies!
If you have this problem, I hope you have learned what most causes it. To repeat and summarize, bacteria, insects, various plant infections, too much or too little water, and much more.
But now you have an ace up your sleeve and you know the tricks to get rid of them. You have the upper hand this time.
Until next time my dears!