It is time to enrich your plant collection! How about we choose houseplants with red leaves this time! Real red leaves plant!
Bushy growth, splash plants with red leaves, amazing leaf shapes…Sounds to me like it’s time to get a red leaves plant for your living room.
If you’re willing to encourage the bushy growth of your plants, among these 11 amazing varieties we prepared for you today, you’ll find one for yourself.
Today we bring you 11 different red leaves plant species that you’ll fall in love with. You might even end up having all of the 11 varieties. I mean, why not?
1. All About Polka Dot Plant

The polka dot plant has been a categorized plant for years. It is now recognized as a member of the Hyphoestes group of over 100 plants. The polka dot plants are from Madagascar, like the Madagascar palm and a huge number of other palms.
They are perennial plants and herbaceous shrubs whose stems become woody with age. These plants are called freckle-faced plants sometimes too.
Like any other tropical plant, this plant loves moist soil. Well-drained soil is a must for your polka dot plants. Along with a good watering schedule, if they are indoor plants, they will need bigger humidity levels than your other house plants.
The plant will give you the best color when in a low light situation, but this causes the sticks to lengthen and get long-legged while looking for light.
Direct sunlight is a big “no” for this plant. Indirect light is an ideal place for this plant indoors. Ensure a temperature of at least 60 F.
Growing plants at the polka point require well-drained but moist soil with lots of organic matter.
Outdoor plants need a little extra feeding, but houseplants need to be fed once a month. Use a balanced fertilizer, such as 20-20-20.
Polka dot plants are easy to propagate. The plant with an ashy face gets tiny flowers and gives seeds in perfect conditions. Germinate seeds in warm, moist soils where temperatures are 70-75 F.
The easiest method for growing plants in polka dots, however, is from cuttings. Remove the terminal growth on the node and pull out the leaves near the end.
Soak the rooting hormone and put it in a soil-growing mixture, like peat moss. Keep it evenly moist until the roots are cut, then treat it as a mature plant.
2. Learn More About Coleus Plants

Ornamental nettle or Coleus is an extremely simple plant to grow. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which also includes mint, lemon balm, sage, and some other herbs.
If it happens you leave the plant without water for too long, it will slowly wither. But when you water it again, it will slowly restore the tone of the leaf.
When planting young plants, it is important to water well. Be sure to mulch them, because that way you keep the heat and moisture in the soil. This way you will help the young plants to get used to the new environment more easily.
The coleus plant is quite durable and easy to grow. All parts of the garden suit her, as she can withstand all types of lighting. It will work just as well if you plant it in a deep shade or a well-lit place. Most Coleus will also survive direct sunlight.
But it should be borne in mind that the color of the leaves is more pronounced if grown in a shady place. Ornamental nettles can also be grown in containers, so you can keep them as houseplants.
The soil must be uniformly moist and, of course, not too moist. Place the pot in a place where the plant will receive at least a few hours of full light each day.
Nutrients are necessary for every plant, including this one, so it is important to supplement it every month. Feed the plant every month with liquid fertilizer (10:10:10). You should not overdo it with fertilizer because the leaves could look less attractive.
There are two main ways to reproduce plants:
- with the help of cuttings;
- over seeds.
Since the stems of the plant do not branch out on their own, and a dense compact crown can only be obtained if there are many shoots, when grown at home, the coleus must be cut and pinched.
3. Ti Plant And Its Features

Originally from East Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, the folklore of this plant is as green as evergreen leaves. This plant is called the Hawaiian good luck plant and cabbage tree as well.
With colorful, fast-growing, long-lasting leaves, my favorite plants are glossy dark green, bright red and bright green, red, purple, pink, orange, orange, yellow, and other shades of white.
During the active growth of Ti plants, abundant watering is required, and in winter sparingly, because the plants are dormant. It is watered twice a month or even less often. The compost must be watered enough, and the rest of the water from the tray must be poured out.
This houseplant thrives in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight. Plants that have variegated leaves need more light than those that have plain and green leaves, although too much sun can damage them. among these plants is the Ti plant.
The substrate should be rich in nutrients, porous and good drainage. The mixture that can be used as a substrate is mixed from one part sand or perlite, one part peat, and one part soil for flowers.
Feed the plant every month with liquid fertilizer (10:10:10). Organic fertilizer is also desirable for the Ti plant.
The propagation of the Ti plant is done by separating the part we want to transplant with a clean cut, and then the cut part of the plant is placed in water, where after three weeks the plant will take root. The water should be changed once a week during the rooting period.
4. How To Take Care Of Flamingo Flower

The flamingo flower (Anthurium) is one of the houseplants that attracts the eye. This tropical plant with amazing red foliage is native to Central and South America, therefore, adorns many homes.
The plant is recognizable by its large and shiny leaves and waxy flowers of bright colors. The most famous and common flowers are red, but they can also be white and pink.
In winter, it is enough to water it once a week, and in summer you can do it more often. Twice a week should be enough. Occasionally spray the plant with a sprayer so that it feels as if it is in its tropical region.
It will suit her to stay at all levels of indirect light, but keep in mind that a plant that stays in a dimly lit part will have fewer flowers and will grow more slowly.
The flamingo flower does not tolerate direct sunlight which can destroy its leaves. Therefore, bright, indirect light suits him best.
Plant it in a mixture of peat, chopped sphagnum moss, and some charcoal.
With proper care and regular fertilization, this plant can give new flowers throughout the year. However, there are usually cycles of quarterly flowering, followed by a few months without flowering, and then again three months of flowering.
Propagation of Anthurium is done during the winter, preferably in early February. One of the methods is by dividing the bokor, ie by dividing the bokor. For successful propagation, it is necessary to keep the new plant at a temperature above 60 F.
5. Moon Cactus

The bright colors of neon are usually round, look like spherical balls and stand on top of other green cacti. Moon Cactus is a fun plant because it is a man-made plant and product.
Their blooming bright pink and red flowers will leave you breathless. It is rare, but this cactus may give small yellow flowers too. They are usually dark red and green vibrant plants. They bloom in early spring.
It is not a plant that requires frequent watering. These plants also work much better if they are not exposed to excessive rainfall. If you live in a place where it rains, the monthly cactus works much better under a closed veranda. You can tell that plants need water by touching the soil.
They grow the best in bright but indirect sunlight. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can be harmful to plants. Maybe it’s best to achieve this in the partial shade position of your cactus.
Therefore, for the moon cactus, a shaded indoor porch or a place with lots of sunlight is the best place. Even though it’s a cactus, avoid full sun.
When planting a monthly cactus for the first time, it is important to choose a suitable pot mix for the cactus. In general, homeowners prefer a mixture of cactus soil that is rich in organic matter, drains quickly, and has a low pH.
Although this cactus does not require fertilization, it feeds well during the growing season from April to September. You can fertilize the cactus monthly and stop fertilizing in the winter.
To do this with these red leaf houseplants, use a clean knife to cut the tips you want to propagate, then use a healthy, well-rooted cactus (such as one of the varieties listed above) and cut the tips about a few inches wide. Place the plant on top of the new cut roots.
6. Bright Red Foliage Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen Read Leaf Plants)

This amazing red foliage plant is an evergreen plant you must have in your living room! Among red plants, this might be the number one. Read leaf houseplants have always been special, but there is something extra special about this one.
However, Chinese evergreen isn’t the only Aglaonema variety. Read about other Aglaonema varieties as well, they are all wonderful!
The substrate in the pot in which Aglaonema is grown must be sufficiently moist, but on the other hand again not too much. Watering is needed only when the top 3 to 4 inches of the substrate has dried.
Prefers lower lighting in the office or home. It is considered one of the most beautiful houseplants precisely because there are a large number of its varieties.
These red-leafed plants are great for hanging baskets. When choosing the perfect lighting, always look at the color of the leaves. This plant has bright (light ) red leaves, so it needs lower lighting.
These plants prefer peat moss, potting mix, and black soil. Its soil can be slightly acidic, it won’t bother the plant, but don’t overdo it.
Feed the plant every month or month and a half due to its look and condition with liquid fertilizer (10:10:10).
It is propagated by transplanting by separating 3-leaf cuttings from the parent plant and planting them in the substrate.
Growing problems occur mostly if the requirements are not met due to the environment in which it grows.
7. Red Plant Poinsettia (Euphorbia Pulcherrima)

Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is an ornamental plant from the Euphorbiaceae family. All plants from this family, including the poinsettia, contain a milky sap that leaks out of the plant when pruned or damaged.
The juice is poisonous and irritates the skin. Care must be taken not to come into contact with the eyes.
Since this plant is watered from below in most garden centers, it is recommended that you water it in the same way after purchase. Every four to five days, fill the substrate with water and let the plant absorb water for 30 minutes, and discard anything that remains after that.
This method of watering is better than watering from above because the nutrients in this case are deposited on the roots and the plant dies.
The plant needs a lot of light to grow successfully, but you should not keep it in a place where direct sunlight reaches, as this can cause damage to the leaves.
Humus soil with a little sand suit the poinsettia. Slightly acidic soil is also a good option for these lovely red leaf plants.
This plant doesn’t need fertilizer.
We can propagate the beautiful plant poinsettia by the shoots we get after pruning. The shoots are dipped in rooting hormone and then planted in a mixture of earth and sand. The cuttings should be kept under glass or foil, at a temperature of 65 F. The cuttings should take root after about three weeks.
8. Croton Plants With Red Stripes

The croton plant (Codiaeum variegatum) is a very versatile plant that is often grown as a houseplant. Croton houseplants are known for their elegance, but they can be difficult to kill if you know how to care for them properly.
Crotons that grow in containers should only be watered when the soil is dry to the touch. Then you have to water until the water drains from the bottom of the pot.
If you are thinking of growing crotons, check the varieties you have purchased to determine the lighting requirements of your variety.
Some types of crotons require a lot of light, while others require medium or low light. In general, the more diverse and colorful the croton plant, the easier it is for you to need it.
Well draining potting mix works the best for croton plants.
During the spring and summer vegetation season, Crotons are fed standard fertilizer for houseplants every two months.
In autumn and winter, slow down or reduce feeding and do not fertilize for at least 6 months after transplanting or bring new plants into the house to allow them to take root.
Propagation of croton stem cuttings requires a small pot for each seedling to be rooted, standard commercial potting soil, clean cutters or scissors, and additional root hormones. Crotons also take root in water. You will need a glass jar or jar and a clean cutter or scissors.
9. Stunning Indoor Plant Caladium

Caladium, in Latin Caladium, is a tuberous perennial with large leaves. There are 17 species in South and Central America.
However, some can also be found in tropical countries such as Asia and Africa. The most famous species is Caladium bicolor, which is most often grown as a houseplant. Its colorful foliage takes your breath away!
If you decide to have it you should know that this plant requires abundant watering during the period of most active growth, especially in summer. Due to the large leaves, it needs a large amount of moisture because with a lack of water the leaves would lose their beautiful decorative appearance.
At the end of the summer, the frequency of watering decreases, and when Kaladij drops its leaves and goes into a state of dormancy, then you stop watering.
This plant is perfect for any interior, and lately, more and more people want to have it. The plant enjoys a well-lit place without direct sunlight, for example on windows facing east or west. Sun exposure there is perfect for your caladium plant.
When at rest the soil can be lightly moistened by spraying so that the roots do not shrink and start to rot. The state of dormancy begins in mid-October and lasts until early spring.
You need to mix the soil with sand and humus. Keep the soil moist and warm as this will encourage the plant to grow leaves from the tubers faster. It likes well-draining soil.
Mineral fertilizers that include phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium are used for fertilization. During active growth, the plant is best-fed potassium, every three to four weeks.
You can propagate this plant from shoots that sprout on the tuber. Watch out for aphids.
10. Fittonia (Amazing Nerve Plant For Your Home)

These amazing dark green leaves combined with red strips and pores on it will make every interior interesting!
Is dark green foliage with these lovely dark red pores, oh la la, dream of every plant owner! Its leaves are modified leaves called bracts.
What’s interesting about it the most are those red and pink splashes. Color combinations are just mind-blowing!
If you like your red foliage plants (red-leaved plants), you should also like watering. Fittonia does not like dry soil and does not like moisture.
Fittonia likes bright, indirect light. Think of a window facing north or east, or shining through filtered curtains. Do not place this plant in a sunny place.
Nerve plants will grow the best in standard peat potting soil.
During the growing season, feed the plants with a small amount of liquid tropical fertilizer each week. A good practice is to dilute a balanced fertilizer 5-5-5 to half the concentration.
Plant nutrients can be multiplied by cutting stems or leaves. Cut the stems from the knots and soak them in water in a light and warm place.
You can also cut the leaves and soak them in water. It lasts 2 to 8 weeks. Root powder speeds up this process.
11. Rex Begonia For Your Urban Garden Look

With rex begonias, two things are most important: watering and location. The soil should be moist but should not retain water, and the plant should be in a well-lit place that is not in direct sunlight.
Direct sunlight during summer days can cause stress to begonias, leading to susceptibility to disease. They like the shade of the afternoon the most.
Rex Begonia likes slightly moist soil, with good drainage and rich in organic matter. It has weak roots, so the soil should be light and loose, and should not retain water. Acidic soils, from 5.4 to 6.5 pH, suit it.
They don’t need to be fertilized.
You can propagate it by tuber and at home, always in the spring, when there are buds on it. They need to be distributed so that at least two parts remain everywhere.
Wrapping It Up

How do you feel about red leaves plant now darlings? I can try to guess! You found one that is perfect for yourself and you’re planning to get it!
Good call, I would do the same! Save a spot for it, buy a pot or a basket and you’re set to go.
We hope we’ve been a good company today as well. Until next time!