It might be time to get new tropical plants for hanging baskets. In order to do so, we offer you an ultimate care guide for Neon Philodendron. Such a lovely plant!
This is one amazing grateful house plant and you’ll be more than happy to have it in your home.
It’s best to plant and grow these plants in spring and summer. I think the timing is perfect now, so let’s learn about them!
Let’s see what the neon philodendron care guide is. Philodendron cordatum neon here we come!
Coffee is ready and so are we!
Philodendron Lemon Lime (Neon Philodendron)

An easy-to-grow houseplant, the philodendron Neon has bright neon green leaves. The cascading stems can be very large, about 12 feet long, and are best cut to the desired length.
The “Lime Lime” philodendron grows well in a variety of lighting conditions, including areas with low light, but prefers bright indirect light.
Easy maintenance and a beautiful appearance make it a popular choice for schools, shopping malls, offices, and homes. To create a tropical-flavored container, mix it with mixed seasonal annuals.
It can be used for training in cages or as plants hanging in baskets and hanging containers. Improves air quality by removing toxins from the air.
Difference Between Neon Pothos And Neon Philodendron

Both philodendrons have brightly colored, heart-shaped leaves that make it difficult to distinguish them. However, there are two things to consider when deciding what plants you are dealing with.
First, Philodendron Lemon Lime grows young light pink leaves, and Neon Pothos grows light green. Second, the Neon Philodendron has soft, thin leaves. On the other hand, Neon Pothos leaves are more grooved.
Neon Philodendron Plants Care

Feed Philodendron houseplants with diluted houseplant fertilizer, and place it on a west-facing window. But that’s not all, I am sorry ladies.
Maintenance and care for this amazing plant don’t end there. In order to learn all about it, keep reading and find out more about its care guide below.
Bright Indirect Light For Lemon Lime Philodendron

Philodendron neons with golden linden leaves are less tolerant of light than other family members. The bright light will reward them with beautiful golden-pink chicken leaves during the growing season.
With direct sunlight, it will burn. Morning sunlight wouldn’t be so bad as its direct light but not so bright as in noon.
The conclusion is that heart leaves philodendrons just tolerate lower light more.
Watering Schedule For Neon Philodendron

When you soak the Philodendron lemon juice, moisten it well and let it dry halfway. Wait for water in summer when the top half is half dry and wait until the top half is completely dry in winter. It is sure not to be too wet or too dry, so wait a little longer if you are not sure.
These large heart-shaped leaves use more fog in summer and less dust in winter, especially when the leaves have difficulty breathing.
High humidity is not necessary, but larger leaves will reward you if you can provide high humidity.
Soil Needs For Neon Philodendron

Soils that drain quickly are ideal. We put about 75% potting soil and 25% perlite or similar. If it does not grow, then the fertilizer is omitted, but in spring and autumn, we water it with half a dose of hazelnuts.
If you notice rapid growth or notice that you are in old soil, switch to complete fertilizer to maintain nutrient levels. Usda hardiness zones are 7 and 8 for this lovely plant.
Choose fertile soil, well-draining soil, and even potting mix isn’t a bad idea.
Potting Tip

Most growers know the hell of replanting plants that have lost their pots. A plastic container can solve the problem. They also need drainage holes to prevent root rot. They also have the advantage that they are not heated, allowing better water retention.
When potting, it’s best to use plastic pots. You probably want to go with a decorative pot as well, go with it!
Fertilizers For Neon Philodendron

From spring to autumn, during the most active period for the development and growth of neon philodendrons, it is necessary to supplement the soil with mineral fertilizers.
It is best to use a liquid fertilizer that is added during watering in a certain ratio, and nitrogen-rich fertilizers are best for it.
Fertilizer is added every two weeks, and during the winter months, top-dressing is completely stopped.
Coco coir is a great option for your neon plant. Too much fertilizer can kill your philodendron lemon-lime, avoid it!
Propagation Of Philodendron Hederaceum Lemon Lime

The distribution of these indoor plants should be easy for any beginner. The steps are clear and simple to propagate neon philodendron.
Successful reproduction usually takes up to three months. Take these steps:
- Cut the side of the stem between the two knots. Sterile traction is recommended. I recommend cutting the stems at least 5 inches long.
- Remove all leaves from the bottom of the cut.
- Put the cut stems in a cup of distilled water.
- Place it on a west-facing window.
- Change the water every two days. Keep it bright and clean. After about 10 days, you will see that the roots grow.
- When the roots reach about an inch in height, place the cuttings in moist soil. You will see new classes developed in about 3 weeks.
Neon Philodendron For Problems Solving

We bring you the most common problems this tropical plant might face:
Browning Leaves Issues
If the leaves lose their golden lime luster and turn black or brown, this is a sign of thirst. Check the place and serve him a drink. Warmer weather and plant exposure to it can make this issue as well.
Yellowing Leaves
Now we know it still has orange leaves. But if the area looks paler and yellower than usual, it could be a sign of too much light.
Older leaves will naturally turn yellow as they age, but if you see a lot of yellow leaves in general.
Examine the soil to help determine the cause (but you probably know you are over-watering). Let’s be careful in order not to turn these lovely golden lime leaves into yellow leaves.
Is This Plant Pet Safe (Is It Toxic)?

The only problem is if you don’t like the way it looks! Of course, this philodendron is a creeping shrub.
If you want dense growth, we recommend pruning the vines or squeezing the growth heads for more filling. Are the pets safe? Calcium oxalate crystals are the thing that is toxic to plants.
Unfortunately, like other members of the Philodendron family, lemon juice or neon does not apply to pets. Chewing or swallowing may cause severe irritation or swelling.
If your pet chews a philodendron, it will go to the vet. It is toxic to pets, but it can kill them when you react immediately. The safest of funny pets (and kids!). This is a clear warning to the girl not to “chew”.
Wrapping It Up

In conclusion, we can say this: average household humidity levels, medium indirect light, fresh soil, annual stem cutting, avoiding direct sunlight, bright shade, and drainage hole are what these plants need to grow healthily!
Do you see? When you put it like this, it’s a one-sentence care guide that doesn’t look so hard now right?
You don’t have to wait for the fall season to get these neon babies for your home. Get them now and until early fall they will bloom in your home happily!
Until next time darlings!