Do you want to get a new growth for your home, but a plant that will be a challenge for you in some way? What do you think about the ladies of the night plant?
This amazing plant was discovered in the west indies where it’s now actively growing as well. This remarkable plant blooms only once a year, but when it blooms, it gives beautiful white blooms that you will not be able to resist.
They do not require much care, do not take up much space, and are beautiful even without a flower! To me, this plant sounds ideal!
Today we are going to talk about plant lady night care, so let’s see what we have prepared for you. You make coffee and we can start.
More About Night Blooming Jasmine

Lady of the Night is known by other names such as Galan de Noche or Majilo. What distinguishes plants is their decoration, not their appearance, but they are known for their nocturnal fragrance. This is not a very beautiful plant, because it grows irregularly and looks a little weak.
This plant’s scientific name is Epiphyllum oxypetalum – Epiphyllum cactus. The word goes up in familiar vines, such as bougainvillea or jasmine. But without earrings. So it rests on the branch of the tree so that it does not fall.
Night Orchid (Ladies of The Night Plant) Features

The lady of the night plant is a species of jasmine from the Oleaceae family, native to Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, and South Africa. This creeper can grow in the sun or the shade.
It gives many white, fragrant star-shaped large flowers that attract a variety of birds. Perfect for a conservatory or ornamental greenhouse, the delicate Jasminum multipartite is more of a shrub than a creeper.
Each of those large flowers blooms only for a single night. West facing position is best for its blooming. This plant produces large white flowers and smooth dark green leaves. The delicate scent of this jasmine becomes stronger in the evening.
Let’s find out more about its care guide! How hard can it be?
Watering Lady Of The Night Plant

This is a plant that needs soil for quick drainage because it drains well. The substrate must be moist but not completely absorbed. One of the things you need to learn to take care of a woman at night is that the soil drains well. Provide average moisture for this plant, don’t overdo it!
And its drainage is its ability to prevent puddles around the soil. If this plant is less swollen than usual during flowering, it may be under water stress.
This behavior is somewhat normal because the plant can fertilize itself if there is no fluctuation in occupancy and is conditionally vulnerable.
Is Direct Sunlight Good For This Lovely Plant?

There are several varieties of this plant, but we choose the most efficient method of growing. This is a plant species that need filtered sun and high humidity for good growth.
It is fun to put them on very thick poles or trees to make them grow. The full sun can kill this plant.
There are so many options in fact for this plant, so note this: morning sun, light shade, part shade, outdoor light, and voila! You have a night-blooming cereus.
Therefore, it is not exposed to direct sunlight. If you do not have a tree that does not receive direct sunlight, it is also fun to put it in the shade.
Partial shade and partial sun are also fine for this plant. If it’s grown outside, it’s better to put it in partial sun.
It is best to place this plant in a place where the winters are not too harsh. When planting this plant indoors, provide high light indoors. Good light for this plant has many benefits.
If you want to reduce pruning, you can plant them in pots and move them in winter or summer as needed. It is an outdoor-loving plant, so it should be placed in a well-ventilated area and beware of too hot or too cold winds.
Fertilizer For A Lady Of The Night Plant

Fertilizer 7-9-5 has a good effect on ladies of night plants. Containing 7% nitrogen, it has healthy green leaves, 9% phosphorus for large and abundant flowers, 5% potassium for strong roots, and increases resistance to diseases, insects, and drought.
This will induce flowering for these amazing plants, especially when they’re grown outdoors.
What Kind Of Soil Does This Plant Need?

Ladies of the night plant needs well-drained but moist, moderately fertile sandy loamy soil. It also likes light soil, and to choose a place to plant, choose an area in the yard so that its canopy is mostly in the sun and the root in the shade. Mature growths can survive a bit of a dry period though.
If the space does not allow such conditions, you can plant a larger shrubby plant next to it that will provide shade during the hot summer months.
You can add a little sand to soils with poor drainage. Fertile soil works well and potting medium as well. Soil should be mildly acidic with a ph range of 5-7.
It can be dry slightly, but don’t forget it! When planting at the beginning, choose a bigger pot right away.
Usda cold hardiness zones can be from 6 to 9 for this lovely night plant.
Tips On How To Prune Night Blooming Jessamine

Before cutting jessamine, remove damaged, diseased or dead stems from the plant to prevent the disease from spreading. Then remove the knotted or no longer flowering stems.
Help yourself to keep your trained jessamine clean and tidy by cutting the growth stems from the plant. Cut the jasmine flowers immediately after they bloom, so that the vines can grow enough for the next season.
Cutting is easy. Squeeze the cabbage by pressing it between your fingers and your thumb. Proper and regular pruning promotes lush, full leaves and rapid growth.
Repotting Ladies Of The Night Plants

Trees in the garden block access to sunlight, so you need to move it to a sunnier place, or there is a need to re-plan and relocate it.
However, it is better to think about the location of jasmine in advance before you start transplanting.
For transplanting jasmine, the most suitable time is considered to be autumn or spring. If you plan to transplant it in the spring, then you need to guess the time before the start of the active flow of nutrients (April).
If jasmine transplanting is carried out in the fall, you should do so in the time after flowering, usually in the first half or mid-October. The remaining months are not suitable for transplanting jasmine. It is not recommended to transplant jasmine in summer.
You also need to make sure that the new place where the plant will be transplanted is well lit. In addition, jasmine does not like wet soil.
Planting Time For Lady Night Plant

Planting jasmine is simple. Plant jasmine plants at any time between June and November. When it comes to climbers, it is recommended to plant in the spring when there is no longer a danger of frosts and cold nights.
This is especially important in the continental area of Croatia, where winter periods last a little longer, which is why it thrives best in Mediterranean areas with more sun and heat.
Planting From Seed

Night Jasmine seeds should be sown in smaller pots, and then these pots should be kept indoors for at least 3 months before the scheduled date for planting in the garden.
Soak the seeds 24 hours before planting. Fill the pots with soil and water well. Allow draining before planting, then plant one seed in each pot.
Cover the containers with plastic, to retain moisture, and place them in direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist while the seedlings germinate.
Transplant the seedlings into larger pots when they get two pairs of leaves. Keep the plants indoors for at least a month after that, or grow jessamine as a houseplant during the first year, and transplant it outdoors the following year.
Diseases Of Ladies Of The Night Plant

The most common diseases of jasmine are downy mildew, rust, and Fusarium wilt, all of which affect many other varieties of plants. These are primarily leaf and stem diseases that leave necrotic areas, colored halos or spots, vein leaves, etc.
Treatment of jasmine plants from fungal problems requires a fungicide or baking soda and water spray. Prevention is more important because once the fungal spores are active, you will find it difficult to get rid of them.
Avoid excessive watering to reduce the likelihood that some diseases may occur.
Can This Plant Survive Winter?

Many gardeners choose to grow jasmine in containers to bring the plant home for the winter. If you bring jasmine indoors due to extreme cold, do it gradually for a week or more, giving the plants less time to adapt to sunlight.
A good way to make this transition is to bring the plants indoors at night, then outside during the day, and leave them there for a few hours during the week. If you are always in the house, place it in the sunniest part of your house.
Stacking Cultures

Clematis creepers have similar growth needs as jessamine and make great plants that can be planted together with jasmine and thrive in the same conditions.
You can choose a clematis that complements and/or adds contrast (by color) to your jasmine.
Also, jasmine can be beautiful when planted with roses because it offers a different scent and color. It is very similar to the night cactus as well. Their flowers bloom almost the same and they both bloom annually.
Wrapping It Up About The Ladies Of The Night Plant

I don’t think you need more reassurance that this plant is ideal for your home? You have read this article, come to the end and see for yourself that this is truly the plant you need.
Even if you don’t have room for it right now, when we finish, you’ll find room for the ladies of the night plant and get it.
What else can I tell you except good luck! I know that you will be great at caring for this plant and that you will be happy with it.
Till next time!
See you soon!