Today we are talking about a simple care guide for an ice plant in California. Ice plant in California, I’m sure you’re wondering how’s that possible. Oh, don’t worry.
The plant got its name because it can grow in colder regions and simply succeeds in as many as 5 growth zones. It is fascinating for any plant.
This gives it the opportunity to grow all over the world, and fans from various climates get the opportunity to care for it. If you are interested in more, today we will talk in detail about this plant.
Let’s warm up with initial and basic information about this plant, and then go to its care guide.
About The Ice Plant

One of the most popular native species of California will be your new favorite plant in the garden. Its simple look is exactly what is so interesting about it.
The ice plant was introduced to the local California society at the beginning of the 20th century. California in the early 1900s didn’t have so many vibrant color plants.
With flowers or without flowers, when planting ice plants, you’ll want to have them back every year. Luckily for you, they are perennials and they do come back every year! Other native plants are surely unique as well, but not this one.
When you plant it, you won’t want to remove the ice plant. You’ll have it in your garden forever. It is perfectly adapted to this region and it will grow very well in its native habitat.
- Native habitat: native to California, southern California native plant society named it native plants that are endangered plant species, native to South Africa as well
- Family: ice plants belong to the Aizoaceae family
- Botanic name: Carpobrotus edulis (Carpobrotus is a greek name for the edible fruit)
- Common names: highway ice plant, California coast plant, coastal California plant, Carpobrotus edible, Hottentot fig
- Leaf shape: ice plant’s heavy leaves have angular heart-shaped leaves, olive green color
- Flower shape: daisy-shaped flowers, violet, yellow, pink, bloom until the fall
- Hardy zone: zones 5-9
- Use: these invasive plants are used as decor and landscape plants
- Growth rate: medium to fast-growing invasive plant
- Wildlife: hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, small garden animals, insects
- Where to plant: planted ice plants thrive best in sand dunes, sand-based soils, loam soils, etc
Care Guide For The Ice Plant In California

In this section below, find out the simple care guide for the ice plant. California is a plant native to this region and it will grow very well here.
But that doesn’t mean it will grow perfectly well if you don’t give it its needed conditions. Ice plant is one of the perennials that bloom all summer.
You still need to buy the correct soil, water it regularly and of course fertilize it when it’s the time for that. The life of the ice plant is in your hands once you buy it.
Let’s see how to make its life longer with a simple care guide we wrote for you in detail below.
Is Ice Plant Edible?
Believe it or not, the plant is alive. But edible does not mean tasty. Don’t expect to go to the garden and feast on delicious flowers (lol), unfortunately, this plant doesn’t have that ability. But you can eat its flowers in the sense that they will not harm your stomach.
Is Ice Plant Toxic?
This plant is not toxic. It doesn’t contain any dangerous substances. You can plant it next to your pets and small children without any potential danger or remorse.
But what we have already mentioned above is that the plant is invasive and should not be planted too close to other plants.
Light Needs

The light that this plant need is the morning sun for at least 2-3 hours. In order for them to get their beautiful colors and start blooming in early spring, light and sun are necessary. In winter climates it may bloom a little later than in California.
In California, this plant will bloom at the end of February, or the beginning of March. In colder regions, it will take longer for this plant to bloom. But don’t worry. It’s not up to you, you can do everything perfectly.
This is simply the order of nature when it comes to the flowering of this plant. He doesn’t like the shade much. It is important that there is a lot of light even when there is no sun. Light is one of the most things for an ice plant.
Watering Schedule

This plant can live without water for a very long time. It can take up to 15 days without water, and this plant continues to bloom. In California, you can water it every 10 days, but you don’t need to use a lot of water for the plant.
In colder climates, you can water it every 20 days without any problems. Any type of water will suit this plant well, so you don’t have to be very careful. In your garden in California, you can even put a sprinkler in the garden.
It can be on its lowest mode and water your plant for an hour in the morning. That is a perfect way to make sure that the plant is watered for a longer period of time.
Soil Type And Fertilizer

Before we dig into its perfect soil type, it is important to know that the shallow roots of these plants can help destabilize coastal soil. That is why they’re so popular in that area. Ice plant is essential to the local ecosystems in California.
It is widely planted on the coast. Coastal dunes are full of the ice plant, thanks to their roots and ability to destabilize coastal soil.
Get sand for this plant. It grows best in sandy soil. Sand, loam soils, and some perlite moss soil will be excellent for this plant. However, all other soils will not provide enough moisture for this plant and should be avoided.
Pruning And Propagation

Ice cloth is planted as a landscape plant. This plant is not a demanding plant to propagate, so it is best to collect seeds in late summer and autumn. It will be most easily propagated by means of seeds. It is not necessary to prune this plant.
You can always trim the ends of these flowers if you want to give them a special shape. But besides that, it is not necessary to prune the plant. It is a perennial and will come back every year with or without pruning.
Temperature And Humidity

The temperature is ideal when it is like in the natural habitat of this plant. These are temperatures between 65 and 75 F. In conditions below that, the plant can also grow, but it will not grow as well as it would in its native habitat.
It can withstand temperatures below zero. Humidity is not such an important factor for this plant. It can be between 40 and 70% and the plant will still grow well.
Can Ice Plant Survive Winter?
Ice plants can survive the winter. However, if the frost and snow are around the plant for a very long time, perhaps its harmony will eventually weaken. I would advise you to protect the plant when the winter lasts.
The cold will not bother her, but frost and direct snow on the plant, in the long run, can still be fatal. The plant has the name ice in its name, but that does not make it completely tolerant to such conditions.
In zone five, where this plant can grow, the temperature can be between negative ten and negative twenty degrees Fahrenheit. This makes this plant very resistant to cold. But snow is another matter. You should be careful with snow.
Wrapping Up

How did you like our article about the ice plant in California today? Could this plant be a new plant for your garden?
California Department for plants claims that this is one of the best plants for this region. Well, get one and see if it’s really like that.
Originally brought from Africa, this plant that is spread quickly plant will brighten up your garden in the blink of an eye. As you could see, its care guide is very simple.
What you have to buy for it are sandy soil and some nutrients and that is it. The water and the sun will do the rest.
That would be all for today, see you soon with similar articles.