Hi there! It’s good to see you again. Thank you for your time and for reading our article! You are here because you want to know how to make pothos grow faster?!
In today’s article, we’re going to talk about this interesting topic in case you have a pothos plant. If you don’t, well, consider having it, they are truly amazing!
The pothos plant has like a lot of other plants, a few other names. The scientific name is mostly Epipremnum aureum. Other everyday names are mostly devil’s ivy, hunter’s rove, or golden pothos.
How to make pothos grow faster is the main topic of our today’s article. In case you want to learn more about it and read about useful tricks on how to do it, stay with us.
Pothos Plant Maintenance And Care

Vricile Potos do not stick to grids and poles by themselves but can be twisted by dragging the poles.
Specimens of Pothos can be seen growing up to 30 feet tall as a houseplant but must remain with much shorter and more orderly lengths.
If you want to grow pots on long rows, they can be attached to hooks and pulled over walls and sills. Calves that need to grow on their own are easy to tangle, so shake them frequently to avoid tangling.
Today, we’re going to focus on organic fertilizers, the perfect soil for pothos plant lovers, and the focus will be on your pothos growing healthily and on the fast growth of course.
How to Choose A Perfect Potting Soil

When you are thinking about how to make pothos grow faster, the soil is a huge bullet point on the list of things you can take care of. When we talk about soil, it depends on four factors: structure, texture, pH, organic matter, and fertility.
Soil texture refers to how the soil is held together. You can usually tell what a texture is by checking the texture.
Squeeze a handful of moist earth into a ball in your hand. If the ball comes out with a light blow with your finger, it is probably sand. If a little pressure is applied, you are dealing with slime.
Soil mix is very good for variegated pothos as well. It’s a guaranteed way for faster growth and new growth little helper.
If it stays in place under pressure, you usually have clay. This simple experiment will give you a more accurate reading of the percentage of each texture in the soil.
Sand: Sand has the largest granules and irregular shapes. So the sand looks natural and flows well. The sand does not compact easily.
Silt: Sediment particles are much smaller than sand, but have an irregular shape.
Clay: Clay contains fine particles that are almost smooth. Mud accumulates very easily, leaving little or no room for air and water to move.
Sandy loam: Sandy loam is considered an ideal garden soil and consists of a mixture of three basic textures. But do not buy sand to add clay to the soil. It is true and vice versa. When sand and clay are mixed, it becomes cement. It is more than leveling the soil structure.
Balanced Fertilizer Is The Key As Well

Pothos plants are not heavy feeders. However, because most potting soils are generally deficient in nutrients, you can increase nutrition by feeding plants with a balanced fertilizer every two months.
Always follow the instructions on the fertilizer label because that way is the growth of the pothos plant faster.
Granular fertilizer spills all the nutrients at once when you water the pot, making it difficult to control how much your plants receive at once. This type of fertilizer is very cheap, but it is not a good choice for feeding indoor plants and their growing season.
Too much fertilizer can kill plants and burn leaves, and overuse creates environmental problems because these nutrient-rich solutions end up in groundwater sources. Too much fertilizer is often worse than too little.
However, overeating is one of the most common mistakes made by well-meaning indoor gardeners. Always research the needs of your plants to find the exact nutrient requirements. Liquid fertilizer provides a constant supply and better growth rate that can be accurately monitored.
Watch out for these if your plant is a hanging basket plant for shade. It will provide it with rapid growth, but your floor might be wet.
It is easy to stop feeding in the winter, when the plants are dormant, or to increase the feeding when the plants stimulate plant growth. Avoid too much sunlight while using fertilizer. Of course, not enough sunlight isn’t very good as well.
But the downside is that you have to remember to do this every time, especially with tropical plants. Individual pellets have different coatings thicknesses that dissolve at different rates so that the actual release of fertilizer spreads over time.
Pothos Plants Ultimate Care Guide

Pothos like bright indirect light. Various plants sometimes lose their leaf shape and return to full green leaves when there is not enough light. Switching to brighter conditions usually restores the shadow.
Too much light can ruin its healthy growth. Especially on mature plant. The entire plant can go yellow and dry. Plant’s growth requires healthy soil, a good fertilizer, and bright indirect sunlight.
The suddenly pale leaves mean that the plant receives too much sun. Pothos growth is much healthier with brighter light.
Pothos plants like to allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. If the soil is left constantly moist, the roots of the plants will rot.
Black spots on the leaves indicate that the soil is too moist. Plants show when they need water. When it starts to fall, it needs water.
Keep your pothos above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, but the room temperature is generally 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. So this should not be a problem.
Potos hybrids have developed as a diverse type of leaf variation in which white, yellow, or light green spots predominate on dark green leaves. Avoid direct sunlight since it can kill this plant.
Compost And What To Know About It

Compost is a decomposing organic matter or a natural fertilizer. You can make your own or buy them in a bag or truck. The finished compost smells of the earth and resembles fertile soil because it is dark and fragile.
Once the composting process is complete, weed seeds, mold spores and other unwanted elements that could enter the compost bin can no longer survive. Compost can be added to the garden at any time, trowel, or used as mulch or dressing.
Compost isn’t very ideal for warm temperatures climates. But every tropical plant growth is very important and pothos ivy grows much better with compost.
When using compost, bright light is much better than direct sunlight. Potted plants love compost. Too much direct sunlight while your plant is “on compost” can kill it.
Legumes, clover, and vines can take nitrogen from the air and eventually release it into the soil through the roots. When it blooms, the clover is particularly attractive to pollinators and beneficial insects.
All green manure suppresses weeds and prevents erosion and nutrient runoff in unplanted areas. Once they all work and begin to decompose, they help create a good soil structure and microbial food for pothos to grow.
Growing Season Starts With Some Trimming

Whether you are new to caring for plants or managing an indoor jungle, pruning is something anyone can do. This is good for plants for several reasons.
Prevents diseases and pests, prevents plants from becoming too weak, and keeps plants in the right shape and size for indoor spaces.
Most houseplants can be cut and trimmed, but some species need attention, such as palm trees and some types of indoor ferns. On the other hand, there are trees that do not need any special attention, easier said indoor trees low light.
The leaves and dead leaves can be removed, but do not cut the top, as these plants do not produce branches. Otherwise, the plant will be effectively destroyed.
Avoid heavy pruning in the fall and winter. The plants may not grow quickly and take a long time to recover due to new growth or too many cuttings.
However, there are tasks that you can easily do at any time of the year. You can keep your plants healthy by removing yellow or brown leaves, cutting a few stems or vines, or doing other small things daily or year-round, as needed.
Pothos Root Rot Issues

Root rot is a disease that affects the roots of plants and causes them to rot. It is caused by prolonged exposure to wet soil conditions and has two causes.
First, the conditions of excessive humidity do not provide oxygen to the roots of the plants, causing them to rot and die. This rot spreads rapidly through the roots and can persist even after soil conditions have changed.
The second cause of root rot is harmful soil mold, which thrives in moist soil conditions.
Plants rot their roots when exposed to too much water. Indoor plants are more prone to root rot than open plants because the water is easily stored in the soil.
Excessive watering can be due to several reasons. Sometimes, inorganic fertilizers can cause this too.
The most common causes are inadequate drainage and frequent watering. Root rot caused stunted growth in plants and that cannot be good, we all know it.
Root rot disease is difficult to treat once it develops even with proper care. The best practice is to remove dead parts like wilted leaves of the plant and provide fresh soil.
If root rot is widespread and affects most of the plant’s roots and leaves, it may not be able to save the plant but you’ll surely notice that it’s growing slowly.

And just like that, we’ve come to an end. This happens a lot faster than we imagine it right? It’s always like that when we read about stuff we love and the thing we’re interested in.
I sincerely hope you enjoyed today’s article and of course, the bottom line is, that you surely learned how to make pothos grow faster. You did right?
If not, save our lovely article and read it once again before you go to action. That’s it for today.
Until next time darlings!