Are you planning to get an evergreen wisteria soon? That’s perfect because today, we’re going to talk exactly about that plant! So get ready ladies, today we’ll learn all about evergreen wisteria.
This lovely plant that comes in many shades and colors isn’t complicated at all. Most people assume that flowering plants are more complicated than those “leaves plants” but that doesn’t apply to all flowering plants. The same goes for Chinese wisteria.
Wisteria Sinensis (its botanical name) is an amazing woody vine plant with leathery green leaves. Today we bring its growth habit, most common issues, and its care guide. Once you learn all about it, you’ll be more than ready to grow this twining vine resemble wisteria in your home.
About Summer Wisteria (Evergreen Wisteria)

Wisteria is a woody, deciduous vine that is prized for its tall fragrant spring flowers (usually bluish or purple, but sometimes white). It blooms and pea-like pods appear in the fall. The shape of the leaves is granular.
There are three main types of Wisteria, American, and Asian. They are often so similar that it is difficult to tell them apart, but a distinguishing feature is a bud.
Asian types are covered with fur. The American type is flat. Asian wisteria is similar in appearance to American wisteria, but there are important differences to consider before deciding which type to grow.
Types Of Wisteria

Japanese wisteria hanging over the gazebo in the garden has many types but there are the best ones:
- The Christmas tree / Evgeniya Vlasova.
- Chinese wisteria vine with purple flowers.
- Japanese wisteria vines hanging with white and purple flowers.
- The smallest species, the American wisteria (Wisteria frutescens), grows up to two-thirds the height of the Asian species.
Since none of the Asian varieties are difficult to grow in North America, American wisteria is the best choice for North American gardeners.
How Evergreen Wisteria Grows

Wisteria is a large vine that is ideal for large areas. The trunk eventually becomes heavy and reaches a weight that knocks over weak supports.
Wisteria is a poisonous plant, so be careful when growing near children or pets. We could always say that it takes only partial shade, well-drained soil, and a good fertilizer for this climbing vine, but its care it’s much more than that.
Light Conditions For Evergreen Wisteria Millettia Reticulata

Wisteria grows best in sunny areas when growing in the north. But in the south, the low afternoon shade is good.
This plant doesn’t like the direct sunlight-full sun. True wisteria tolerate partial shade, bright indirect light, and a bit of morning sunlight. But that’s the highest you can go with its sun exposure.
Too much sun can kill your plant, as any other plant and that can’t be good right? Especially when you notice spent flowers. Bad light conditions can double them.
Soil Needs For Evergreen Wisteria

The main soil requirement for growing wisteria is good drainage. In its growing season, it is more than important to provide this plant with a good watering schedule.
Pea-like flowers of this plant just love mixing soil and peat moss. Soil can be mildly acidic, but be careful there, overdoing it can be very tricky.
The wrong soil type can bring issues like spider mites, a few pest problems, and even a disease of a plant, so study your wisteria carefully before choosing the right soil.
Water Needs For So-Called Summer Wisteria

Rattan has an average water requirement. New growth cannot be seen without good drainage. But also, too much water can kill your plant and cause yellow and brown leaf issues.
Especially in winter temperatures and late winter time, you should reduce its watering routine.
New shoots won’t come from a plant that has root rot because of excess watering. In late summer, however, you should water it more often to save the plant from drooping.
Temperature And Humidity For These Fragrant Flowers – Evergreen Wisteria

Wisteria is sometimes grown successfully in Zone 9, but further south, the climate is too hot and humid to grow wisteria.
You can also establish this by following its previous year’s growth. If you notice that your plant grew well in temperatures such as 60 F and medium humidity area, do it like that this year as well.
If it’s your first year of growing this plant, make sure you read its care guide like you’re doing right now before planting it.
Fertilizer For Chinese Wisteria

Use fertilizers with high phosphorus (P in NPK) content. Wisteria does not need to be fertilized with nitrogen, as it belongs to the family of plants known for its ability to fix nitrogen.
There are already enough. Early spring is the best time to fertilize. Liquid fertilizer, for example, isn’t the best choice for this plant.
Pruning Of Chinese Wisteria

As with any other plant, if you see dead, damaged, or diseased plants, cut them back. Asian wisteria needs regular pruning to keep it in shape.
They are vigorous and spread by suckers, so cut back annually to limit growth. The more vigorous American wisteria requires less pruning.
Wisteria is pruned in two stages every year:
- Prune it at the end of winter.
- Cut back at least half of last year’s growth and leave a few buds on each stem to avoid spoiling the flowers.
- Do not cut too many ripe grapes.
- It will eventually sprout again, but it may take some time for optimal flowering performance to return.
- After flowering, make a second cut.
- This second cut is to cut out the shape of the vine.
- Cut loose buds to improve the shape of the plant.
Wisteria Propagation Process

For propagation, select green stems without trees in late spring or early summer and cut them just below the node (disinfect pruning shears with alcohol first).
The cutting should have two sets of leaves and nodes. It must be 4 inches long.
After cutting:
- Fill the jars with a sterile mixture without soil.
- Make a hole in the soilless mixture. Dip the tip of the cutting in rooting hormone and insert it into the hole.
- Water the mixture without soil.
- Cover the bowl with a plastic bag to retain moisture.
Growing Wisteria From Seeds

To grow wisteria from seed, the temperature must be at least 65 F. Seed propagation in spring:
- When removing cuttings, use a soil- and canopy-free mix.
- Soak the seeds in warm water overnight. Spray 1 inch deep.
- Keep the soil-free mixture moist. Make sure the soil is not completely dry.
Common Problems With Wisteria

Because wisteria is poisonous, it is deer-resistant. It is also generally not bothered by insects. However, there are common problems that wisteria owners can face.
Below we bring the most famous problem with this plant, but along with that you might notice pests such as spider mites, you can overwater it and that can leads to yellow-brown and droopy plants. So be careful with that! But let’s focus now on bloom issues with this plant.
Not Blooming Issues With Wisteria
The lack of flowering of Asian wisteria is sometimes due to excess nitrogen. Since glycine is a nitrogen fixer, adding more nitrogen to the soil through fertilizer can lead to this excess nitrogen. Nitrogen can cause energy to be used to produce leaves instead of flowers.
If excess nitrogen is not a problem, there are steps to address the problem. Pruning the vines annually (if you haven’t already). Cut the roots of the plants. Move the vine to a location with more sunlight.
FAQ – Evergreen Wisteria

If you think we said everything there is to be said about evergreen wisteria, you’re wrong. There are still some unanswered questions pending in the air about this plant.
To be sure we answered all of them, we’re bringing you this section of frequently asked questions about wisteria Chinese. In order to learn all bout this plant, stay with us a bit more, and then you can be sure that you know how to take care of evergreen wisteria.
What Is The Most Beautiful Wisteria?
This is all a subjective opinion of course. But if you ask 15 wisteria gardeners about the most beautiful type they might all say that it’s a Japanese wisteria.
Japanese wisteria has these amazing purple drooping flowers that are just way too splendid and elegant! Once you see them, you want them near. In your home or in your garden, it doesn’t matter, you’ll want to plant them for sure!
Does Wisteria Lose Its Leaves?
Wisteria is a deciduous climber. Although the leaves fall in the fall, some cultivars and cultivars extend the season of interest by rewarding them with bright golden-yellow leaves before they fall.
There is an assumption that this plant loses its leaves in winter but that’s not true. While your plant is in the “falling leaves” period, enjoy those golden leaves a bit.
Does Wisteria Stay Green All Year Long?
As we mentioned above, in the fall time, your wisteria might turn yellow-gold, so that means that it won’t stay green for a year.
I don’t know about you, but I would like to see my plant transforming its plants from green to golden yellow. It definitely brings that special fall theme to your home right?
How Do You Train Evergreen Wisteria?
Train your evergreen wisteria by weaving new shoots through sections of fence or trellis. Continue this as the vine grows.
When an evergreen wisteria reaches the top of a fence or trellis, part of the lower stem is cut back to shorten the stem and promote new growth.
Final Thought On Evergreen Wisteria

We have come to the end of another article about plants. As always, I’m sorry to part ways here, but I’m happy because I know we’ll meet again tomorrow in the same place, right?
Today you have learned everything you need to know about the evergreen wisteria plant.
If you had doubts about buying this plant until now, I hope things are much clearer now and you know which one you want to buy now.
In order to establish the learned material, let’s repeat. No direct sun, indirect light is the most suitable, well-drained soil, without strong fertilizers, plenty of water in summer and less water in winter.
That would be about the bottom line regarding the care of this plant. Dear ladies, I hope you enjoyed it and more importantly, that you learned about the evergreen wisteria plant.
See you soon ladies!