The Dandelion quotes that we have prepared for you today are not only for those who love dandelions.
Dandelion quotes are for all of you who love flowers, with cheerful colors such as ground cover with yellow flowers, flowering trees yellow, or simply hanging purple flowers.
All flower lovers share this love for blooms and petals, and I don’t think it matters much what flower we’re talking about. Green thumbs stick together no matter what right?
If you’re curious to find out what did we prepare for you, come and join us in our new article. We bring you many amazing dandelion quotes and sayings.
Our Favorite Dandelion Quotes And Sayings

1. “Already the dandelions Are changed into vanishing ghosts.” – Celia Thaxter
2. “Never overlook wallflower at the dance; maybe dandelion in the grass.” ― Confucius
3. “I decapitated dandelions all morning, leaving carnage and death strewn into my path.” – Laurie Halse Anderson
4. ”Great God in heaven! That means no dandelion wine next year! That means no bees crossing our lot! You’re out of your mind, son.” ― Ray Bradbury
5. “I have lost my smile, but don’t worry. The dandelion has it.” ― Nhat Hanh
6. “Cause-and-effect will not explain even the individuality of a single dandelion.” — D.H. Lawrence
7. “Don’t hover around lives that you are supposed to touch only for a brief while. If you don’t know how to drift away, ask a dandelion and it will show you the way!” ― Indhumathi
8. “If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn.” ― Andrew Mason
9. “Dandelions, like all things in nature, are beautiful when you take time to pay attention to them.” ― June Stoyer
10. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” – Henry David
11. “By the time we left college, I had become my own image: a dandelion in the flower bed of society. Kinda cute, but still a weed.” ― Anne Fortier
Appreciation Quotes For Dandelions

12. “I float my words like dandelions, parachuting memories of warm summer days.” ― Manish Mohan
13. “I watch the ashes swim around like dandelion puffs, making swirls where bodies and walls once stood.” ― Lauren DeStefano
14. “Grabbing the dandelion in my fist taught me a thing; no longer did they belong to the sky, nor could I call them mine. There is beauty in every let-go.” ― Kavisha
15. “Scandals are like dandelion seeds–they are arrow-headed, and stick where they fall, and bring forth and multiply fourfold.” ― Ouida
16. “For honey bees, a dandelion is the first sign of Spring!” ― June Stoyer
17. “On the lawn one late summer day, her pale hair tangled because she’d cry if anyone tried to brush it, spinning around and around until she got so dizzy she fell in a pile of bare feet and dandelions and sundress.” ― Holly Black
18. “Sometimes it seemed to him that his life was delicate as a dandelion. One little puff from any direction, and it was blown to bits.” ― Katherine Paterson
19. “Does poem also walk through the valleys seeking tongues from dandelions?” ― Ymatruz
Dandelion Quotes About Love

20. “Why doesn’t constant trampling defeat the dandelion? The key to its strength is its long and sturdy root, which extends deep into the earth. The same principle applies to people. The true victors in life are those who, enduring repeated challenges and setbacks, have sent the roots of their being to such a depth that nothing can shake them.” ― Daisaku Ikeda
21. “Dandelions are just friendly little weeds who only want to be loved like flowers.” ― Heather Babcock
22. “Knowing even as I craved permanence in New York City, that would never come to pass. The pair of us would live for as long as we could. As well as well could. That was all. Then we’d blow away like wishes made on dandelion heads.” ― Lyndsay Faye
23. “So much love, too much love, it is our madness, it is rotting us out, exploding us like dandelion polls.” ― John Updike
24. “You fight dandelions all weekend, and late Monday afternoon there they are, pert as all get out, in full and gorgeous bloom, pretty as can be, thriving as only dandelions can in the face of adversity.” ― Hal Borland
25. “The man who worries morning and night about the dandelions in the lawn will find great relief in loving the dandelions.” ― Liberty Hyde Bailey
26. “If dandelions were rare and fragile, people would knock themselves out to pay $14.95 a plant, raise them by hand in greenhouses, and form dandelion societies and all that. But, they are everywhere and don’t need us and kind of do what they please. So we call them weeds and murder them at every opportunity.” ― Robert Fulghum
27. If only dreams could be a reality, that beautiful garden of sweet-smelling roses we all long for. But the reality for me is no such bed of roses. It is nothing but a field of unwanted dandelions.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich
Heart-warming (But Long) Dandelion Quotes

28. “As for family values, they are whatever they are – some families are tight, others are blown away like dandelion puffs. A main value in Minnesota is still: don’t waste my time, don’t B.S. me, I wasn’t born yesterday.” — Garrison Keillor
29. “There are no gods, thank god, but there are dandelions. Go out and pick some.” ― Marty Rubin
30. “I am not a lover of lawns. Rather would I see daisies in their thousands, ground ivy, hawkweed, and even the hated plantain with tall stems, and dandelions with splendid flowers and fairy down, than the too – well-tended lawn.” — William Henry Hudson
31. “We like to put sacred texts in flowing waters, so I rolled it up, tied it to a piece of wood, placed a dandelion on top, and floated it in the stream which flows into the Swat River. Surely God would find it there.” — Malala Yousafzai
32. “Bearing in his right paw the shovel that digs to the truth beneath appearances, cut the roots of useless attachments, and flings damp sand on the fires of greed and war; His left paw in the Mudra of Comradely Display – indicating that all creatures have the full right to live to their limits and that deer, rabbits, chipmunks, snakes, dandelions, and lizards all grow in the realm of the Dharma.” — Gary Snyder
33. “Dandelion wine. The words were summer on the tongue. The wine was summer caught and stopped…sealed away for opening on a January day with snow falling fast and the sun unseen for weeks.” — Ray Bradbury
34. “To this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope, and the dandelion that reminded me that I was not doomed.” — Suzanne Collins
35. “I turn and run, watching my feet trample a massacre of weeds. I mourn them. The only thing that grows is dandelions in the cracks of the sidewalk and we always end up killing them.” ― Ellie Lieberman
36. “Young Dandelion On a hedge-side Said young Dandelion Who’ll be my bride? Said young Dandelion With a sweet air, I have my eye on Miss Daisy fair.” — Dinah Maria Murlock Craik
Dandelion Quotes About Strength

37. “You knew that you could have grown like a weed, raising on other’s strength. But you chose to bloom like a dandelion, creating your own magic. Trust me, darling, nothing can be more beautiful than this.” ― Kriti
38. “How can you seize its beauty with your meager power of destruction? Blown by the wind, a dandelion still spreads happy florets!” ― Kavisha
39. “Learn to let go like a dandelion. And watch the love grow on you, freshly. Again.” ― Soumojit Dutt
40. “But dandelions were what she chiefly saw. Yellow jewels for everyday studding the patched green dress of her backyard. She liked their demure prettiness second to their everydayness; for in that latter quality she thought she saw a picture of herself, and it was comforting to find that what was common could also be a flower.” ― Gwendolyn Brooks
41. “Those cotton dandelions wafting on the breeze, is nothing but the immigrants passing through these trees? Spreading their wings, with all their might, to make their kids (seeds) enjoy their flight!” ― Mahesh Mali
Poetic Dandelion Quotes

42. “It gives one a sudden start in going down a barren, stony street, to see upon a narrow strip of grass, just within the iron fence, the radiant dandelion, shining in the grass like a spark dropped from the sun.” ― Henry Ward Beecher
43. “So little Moon Pig put her snout into the soft dandelion head, which was round, and glowing, just like the moon. She blew and blew…” ― Suzy Davies
44. “The dandelion’s pallid tube Astonishes the grass, And winter instantly becomes An infinite alas.” ― Emily Dickinson
45. “Many wishes that I blew, finding myself was the one that came true.” ― Anamika Sharma
46. “Masked allegations were never in the light. And yet, the dandelions here, sit pretty against the sky.” ― Unknown
47. “Go for a short walk in a soft rain – lovely – so many wildflowers startling me through the woods and a lawn sprinkled with dandelions, like a night with stars. And through it all the sound of soft rain like the sound of innumerable earthworms stirring in the ground.” ― Anne Morrow Lindbergh
48. “I broke away like a fluffy dandelion sprouting its serene parachute pappus, waiting for the breeze to recede away.” ― Kashyap
49. “Like the florets of a frail dandelion that disperse at the slightest gust of wind, she lets you go in the trance-like mist, of the nocturnal sky.” ― Ruqayya Shaheed Khan
Dandelion Quotes From Philosophy

50. “She spotted a lone dandelion, and it crossed her mind that a younger Luce would have pounced on it and then made a wish and blown it. But Luce’s wishes felt too heavy for something so light.” — Lauren Kate
51. “The dandelions and buttercups gild all the lawn: the drowsy bee stumbles among the clover tops, and summer sweetens all to me.” — James Russell Lowell
52. “I’m allergic to family occasions. Sometimes I think we’d do better as dandelion seeds-no family, no history, just floating off into the world, each on our own piece of fluff.” — Sophie Kinsella
53. “Organic as a dandelion seed, [the ship of our imagination] will carry us to worlds of dreams and worlds of facts.” – C.S.
54. “Do not wish to be anything but what you are and do that perfectly.” – St. Frances De Sales
55. “When love, that dandelion fluff, that always comes and goes with the first wind thread, will pass on to your door, then you will know you met me.” — Octavian Paler
56. “Take your materials from what is around you – if you see a dandelion, write about that; if it’s misty, write about the mist. The materials for poetry are all about you in profusion.” – Masaoka Shiki
57. “Last summer, I spent almost an hour blowing dandelions off their stems towards him, so that he had a chance to wish for everything he wanted.” — Helen Oyeyemi
58. “The ability of dandelions to tell the time is somewhat exaggerated, owing to the fact that there is always one seed that refuses to be blown off; the time usually turns out to be 37 o’clock.” — Miles Kington
59. “The ability of dandelions to tell the time is somewhat exaggerated, owing to the fact that there is always one seed that refuses to be blown off; the time usually turns out to be 37 o’clock.” — Miles Kington
Beautiful Dandelion Quotes

60. “Some ideas, like dandelions in lawns, strike tenaciously: you may pull off the top but the root remains, drives down suckers, and may even sprout again.” ― Elizabeth Bowen
61. “Nobody loves the head of a dandelion. Maybe because they are so many, strong, and so on.”― Toni Morrison
62. “Whether a dandelion is a weed or a flower is entirely a matter of perspective.” — Julia Tagliere
63. “What an indulgence it would be, to just blow off my head, all my mean spirits disappearing with a gun blast, like blowing a seedy dandelion apart.” ― Gillian Flynn
64. “Don’t intend to be like the dandelions because they might collapse beautifully, but unlike you, they can never be glued back into a whole ever again!” ― Manisha
65. “Once an idea is out and about, it can’t be called back, silenced, or erased. You can’t contain it, any more than you could put the head of a dandelion back together after the wind has scattered its seeds.” ― P.W. Catanese
66. “Rhythm is best expressed in any swing directed at a cigar stump or a dandelion head.” — Grantland Rice
67. “Next time you see a yardful of sprouting dandelions, note that they look remarkably like things we call “flowers.” And later, when the flowers turn into fluff balls, look closely at one of those fluff balls and ask yourself whether it’s really so unattractive.” ― Robert Wright
Thoughtful Dandelion Wish Quotes

68. “A lot of the flowers I like are weeds. Oh, and dandelions, but they’re weeds, too.” ― Daniel Rigb
69. “My fans are pretty spot-on with their gifts. This girl that was super into baking had made this entire batch of cookies – there were one with a dandelion on it, one with a trailer, and some had my face.” ― Kacey Musgraves
70. “I want people to know that it’s not always dandelions and roses when you’re doing something like ‘Aladdin.’” ― Mena Massoud
71. “God values our dandelion love.” ― Marnie Swedberg
72. “We wish upon dandelions, those that are gone with the wind. We wish upon shooting stars, those that burn as they fall. You still don’t get it? Our wishes are just as fleeting.” ― Landlocked Sailor
73. “Easy as a child breathes a wish at a dandelion… is exactly how hard it would be for me to tear your limbs from their sockets.” ― Adam Levin
74. “Laughter felt like blowing dandelion seeds to make your wishes scatter through the air where everyone could see them.” ― Jeremy Jenkins
Short Dandelion Quotes For Insta Captions

75. “Dandelions don’t tell no lies…” ― Mick Jagger
76. “Go wherever the wind blows…” ― Unknown
77. “Every breath is a second chance.” ― Unknown
78. “Count the garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall.” ― Unknown
79. “Seeing a soft dandelion head is all of my joy. Its pale hair tangled as if the dandelion wishes to stay like that forever.“ ― Unknown
80. “Wild flowers startling, so many wild flowers, but when you see dandelions spring flowers, you stop.“ ― Unknown
81. “Sweet as sweet smelling roses but better.“ ― Unknown
82. “Dandelions had changed from suns into moons.” ― Vladimir Nabokov
83. “Behaving as the wind behaves.” ― Unknown
84. “Be like a dandelion, whenever they fall apart, they start again. Have hope.” ― Unknown
85. “I was as unburdened as a piece of dandelion fluff.” ― Sarah J. Maas
86. “Sometimes you have to fall before you fly.” ― Uknown
Insightful Dandelion Quotes

87. “We have to do what we have to do. Miracles happen. The life force of this planet is very strong. Dandelions poke through sidewalks. We don’t know enough to give up. We only know enough to know that we have to try to change the course of human events.” ― Elizabeth May
88. “No creature is fully itself till it is, like the dandelion, opened in the bloom of pure relationship to the sun, the entire living cosmos.” ― D. H. Lawrence
89. “Killing Jesus was like trying to destroy a dandelion seed-head by blowing on it” — Walter Wink
90. “If you find yourself worrying, go outside, take three breaths, address a tree and quietly say, ‘Thank you.’ If you can’t find a tree, a dandelion will do… Nature is magic.” ― Robert Bateman
91. “Beautiful as a dandelion-blossom golden in the green grass, this life can be.” ― Edna St. Vincent Millay
92. “In a world full of roses, stand out like a dandelion in the middle of a green, plush lawn!” ― June Stoyer
93. “Some people need flowers, some people need dandelions. It’s medicine, it’s what you need at that time in your life.” ― Sandra Cisneros
Wrapping Up

Did you enjoy our dandelion quotes article? We sincerely hope you had a nice time learning more about dandelion flowers through the sections. Next time you pick one and make a wish, maybe you’ll remember some of our quotes.
Make a wish and remember the heartwarming quotes we wrote here. They are flowers yellow which means rebirth and sometimes bright yellow which means lioness dreams.
See you soon, thanks for reading us!