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14 Best Bathroom Plants That Naturally Absorb Moisture and Humidity

14 Best Bathroom Plants That Naturally Absorb Moisture and Humidity

In today’s article, we will talk about bathroom plants that absorb moisture and the top 14 bathroom plants that we chose for you.

We sincerely hope that you won’t have to look further after reading our article and that our 14 plants will suit your wishes perfectly.

Below you’ll find 14 amazing plants that will look great in your home, toxic and non-toxic in case you have kids or pets.

1. Rhododendron: The Air Plant

One of the most beautiful flowering rhododendrons in the industry paints your bathroom in purple, pink, red, or white. This plant is an air plant.

Because its natural environment is humid and warm, rhododendrons will do well in the bathrooms, primarily if they can provide sunlight in the morning. They love bright indirect light.

It should be stored in a well-drained container and watered regularly, especially on hot summer days.

Rhododendrons in pots do not grow too large and grow slowly, but they can still be toxic to pets. So don’t let your friends or your paw friend close.

2. Boston Fern: Beautiful Tropical Plant

Boston fern, a beautiful tropical plant with lace leaves, thrives in humid climates, so it easily absorbs moisture from your bathroom.

It grows well in direct sunlight, but you have to be careful because it can burn very quickly in the afternoon sunlight. The level of light is very important for this bathroom plant.

Water the ferns monthly when the soil is dry and water them so the leaves do not dry in winter.

The Boston fern is non-toxic, but cats can’t resist these long, playful leaves, so paw paw buddy is safe! This plant is great for a hanging basket as well.

There are other ferns that are good for absorbing moisture too and you can check them out here: Types of ferns indoor.

3. The Peace Lily Plant

Another surprise on this list, the peace lily wears a wreath of white flowers but uses its leaves to attract moisture from the air, eliminating toxins in the process.

Water only when the soil is dry, especially when the plant leaves begin to fall. It grows well in the dark but will bloom much more tolerantly if placed next to a sunny window.

Peace lilies love constant heat, so protect them from cold winds and sudden temperature changes.

4. Spider Plant Is Great Too

It got its creepy name from the little spider-like stern it produces, but make no mistake. Spider plants are not beautiful houseplants.

With its beautiful arched leaves and fast-growing buds, this scrub is our favorite indoor basket. The spider plant is also among the most adaptable plants, effectively removing air pollutants and moisture.

Because it requires little effort from the owner, it grows well in humid and low-light environments, all being true bath plants.

5. Tillandsia: Bathroom Plant That Absorbs Moisture

Plants that do not need soil to grow, Tillandsia, alias. Air plants absorb moisture from the air through their leaves and are an excellent choice for black plant owners who read this.

A beautiful plant that does not need to get your hands dirty, just a few minutes a week under running water.

Also, try air plants, as they do not need much sunlight. Then you will soon become your favorite shower friend.

6. Begonia


Home of over 1,800 species of plants, the genus Begonia usually thrives in pots and warm and humid baths.

Many varieties, originating from humid tropical climates, purify the baths with humid air and decorate them with colorful and fragrant flowers.

Choose fibrous or hardy varieties and expose your begonias to morning sunlight. However, it is known that the roots are very toxic, so do not leave them within the reach of pets.

7. The Snake Plant – Bathroom Plants That Absorb Moisture


Also, because of the mother-in-law’s cute name, the snake plant may seem like a problem, but it’s one of the best plants to have in the bathroom.

Not only does it absorb excess moisture, but it also filters out common toxins, such as formaldehyde.

Although this plant varies greatly in the shape and color of the leaves and many are reminiscent of snakeskin.

It requires occasional watering to survive in environments with low light and high humidity, such as tropical jungles and modern baths.

Has this plant become interesting to you? Excellent, because here we have for you everything that beginners need to know about the snake plant and a special article about the rarest snake plant!

8. Cyclamen: The Fragrant Plant!


A fragrant plant with straight petals and heart-shaped leaves, cyclamen is a great addition to your bathroom. But in addition to being attractive, it also lowers humidity and purifies the air you breathe.

As with most other plants here, a little light in the morning is fine, but you can protect it from the bright afternoon sun and cold currents. Plant in a well-drained container and water the cyclamen when the soil is dry.

9. Bird’s Nest Fern – Bathroom Plants That Absorb Moisture

Birds Nest Fern Types Of Ferns Indoor: 17 Fern Species Indoor

Perfect for any crowded bathroom with a window, the bird’s nest fern is native to the tropics and will appreciate all the heat and humidity offered by a steam shower.

Most of these plants can be trusted to reduce humidity in your bathroom, and humidity levels in the rest of your apartment.

Water weekly to keep the soil moist and to provide sunlight in the morning. Growing a fern with a bird’s nest in a place without light will result in flattened wavy leaves.

This plant is one of the plants that need the sun. The mature specimens are relatively large, about 30 inches wide.

10. Lovely Philodendron Plant


Philodendron (Philodendron), as it is called by many, is a plant species from the family of goats, which includes more than 220 species.

This genus of monocotyledons most often includes perennials and climbers that are indigenous to rainforests and tropical climates.

Philodendron is a plant that adapts very easily to the environment due to several ways in which it grows and develops its roots.

Some plants are epiphytic, which means that they draw energy from rain and moisture, while some grow next to larger trees, next to which they put down their roots.

Some develop normal roots in the ground that are highly developed and adapted to various types of soil.

11. English Ivy Perennial Plant

English ivy (Hedera helix) is an evergreen perennial. It is also classified as a Kimoto vine. English ivy acts as a ground cover plant and can spread horizontally.

However, he is also a mountaineer because his aerial roots can climb up to 80 feet. His plant will eventually produce insignificant greenish flowers, which are mainly grown for evergreen leaves.

In this respect, ivy can be classified as a green plant. Spring is the best time to plant English ivy.

It is a fast and aggressive grower that is considered invasive in many areas. Beware of children and pets, as English ivy is toxic to humans and animals.

12. Aloe Vera For Your Bathroom

Aloe vera, commonly cultivated as a houseplant, is known for its leaves containing soothing gels used for sunburn and other skin irritation.

With over 300 species this tropical succulent plant features fleshy spear-shaped leaves with serrated edges that grow from basic rosettes.

Under proper cultivation conditions, pointed flowers in shades of yellow, red, or orange appear on the ends of the stems.

Young plants generally do not bloom, and aloe grown as foliage plants can take years to form flower stems.

Still, this fast-growing succulent plant reaches adult size in three to four years, producing young plants that can be replanted or gifted to other plant lovers. You don’t need a green thumb.

13. You Will Adore Bamboo Palm

Despite its name, bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii) is not bamboo, but a member of the Araceae family.

Native to Mexico and Central America, these tropical plants grow naturally as undergrowth plants in the forest. They are ideal foliage plants that can add a tropical atmosphere to any room.

You can learn with us more about care and other issues, like what to do if your lucky bamboo is turning yellow and more.

14. The Cast Iron Plant And Its Features

Cast iron plant has a reputation as a difficult-to-kill foliage plant and creates a nice houseplant-looking foliage plant in its growth zone.

This plant can withstand many negligence and growth conditions that kill many other plants. It has arched spear-shaped dark green shiny leaves that grow up to about 2 feet long and 4 inches wide.

When cultivated outdoors, slight off-white and purple flowers may bloom near the roots of the plant.

16. Don’t Forget About Pothos Plant


Pothos is arguably one of the fastest growing foliage plants, even if you forget to water the plants often enough. But we have also tips on how to make pothos grow faster.

Native to the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, this subsequent climber has pointed heart-shaped green leaves that can be variegated with white, yellow, or pale green stripes.

Pothos can be planted indoors all year round, grow rapidly, and often reach 12-18 inches in length per month. Please note that this plant is toxic to pets.

Other Bathroom Plants That Absorb Moisture

Besides these lovely 14 plants that absorb moisture, there are other ones as well that are worth mentioning to a plant owner. Some of those plants are the Zanzibar gem, cast iron plant, and many more.

The bathroom humidity matters a lot for these plants and without it, they can’t grow well. The morning sun is great for these plants. Some of the humidity lovers plants don’t prefer the sun as well.

So you can always adapt your apartment conditions to the plant. And of course, very much worth mentioning, most of them household toxins.

At least 90% of these plants are just amazing with their lacy fronds and shinny leaves, you’ll fall in love with them right away!

That Is It About Bathroom Plants That Absorb Moisture

And just like that, we’ve come to an end. Another article and our time together are over. But I know you’ll be curious soon and you’ll come back for some other information.

Did you learn all about bathroom plants that absorb moisture? I know you did and I’m more than proud of you for sticking up with us until the end and for reading all this useful information.

If you have asthma issues and trouble breathing even if you don’t have asthma or mold in your home, these plants are great for your home conditions then.

Even if you don’t have any of these problems, who likes having humidity in their home? A bit is fine for sure, but too much of it can be boring.

I guess you know what to do now, once that flower shop or a flower market is open, chap-chap! Go there and get some of these lovely plants for yourself! I’m sure you won’t regret it.

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