Agave blue flame is a perfect light shade plant for your garden. Today we will talk in detail about the care guide for the agave blue flame plant.
Their leaves form large dense masses that bring that special shape and look to the agave shawii plant.
PPP (pacific plant promotions group) named this plant the most beautiful on the Caribbean islands. In desert gardens, luxury gardens, and elegant rosette gardens, you’ll find this plant in decorative pots.
How’s that possible? Due to its simple look, lovely leaf margins, and simple care guide, this plant is found in Mathias Botanical Garden. Now it can be part of your garden too.
Let’s learn the care guide for the agave blue flame plants below.
About Blue Flame Agave Plants

Before learning about the potting soil, watering schedule, and other factors for the care guide, let’s check this out. Below we bring you some of the botanical features and an introduction to care guide advice.
Prior to learning how to prevent scorching and root rot, let’s see what are the botanical and growing habits of this plant. You will fall in love with most plants in this section, but with this one especially.
- Native habitat: Madagascar, Caribbean Islands
- Botanic name: agave attenuata, established plants in the 19th century
- Family: Asparagaceae
- Common names: blue flame agave, gas flame plant, blue cast plant
- Type of a plant: evergreen succulent perennial, beautiful succulent
- Use: decorative plants
- Hardy zones: 8-11 zones, has more vigor in 9 and 10 zones
- Leaf shape: leaves form large dense masses and a terminal spine, gracefully incurved leaf tips forms clumps, finely serrated margins, damaged leaves are yellow, pale olive green foliage color
- Flowers shape: flowers produce elegant rosettes, large rosettes, dark yellow to orange color
- Blooming time: late spring
- Toxicity: nontoxic
- Wildlife: scale insects, pollen parent, bees, butterflies,
How Big Does Agave Blue Flame Get?
How big can succulents get is a question that bothers every succulent owner the moment they see it. Succulents usually don’t get very big.
They grow in width more than instead of height. their maximum height is around 1.5 feet tall. Even with the best growing conditions, they can’t grow higher than this.
How Fast Does Agave Blue Grow?
These plants are moderate to fast growers. In a few months, you will have an agave flame plant that you can call an adult plant.
After half a year, the plant will be ready for propagation, depending on its growing conditions.
Care Guide For Agave Blue Flame Plants

Now that we have learned the basic botanical characteristics of this plant, it is time for a care guide. It is very simple and today we will prove it to you. Save your curious green thumbs.
If you have had difficulties with garden plants, these plants will dissuade you from it. They are very easy to maintain and beautiful at the same time.
Light Needs

This plant hates shade. It will not grow at all in the shade. It can grow in partial shade only when it gets enough sun in the morning.
It is best to expose your plant to a minimum of 4-5 hours of sun. If you don’t have sun, light is very necessary for this plant. Without light, they simply won’t give good results.
Watering Schedule

The plant is a succulent, which means that these plants do not need to be watered much. Up to 20 days can pass without watering this plant with a drop of water.
The type of water is also not important because this plant is tolerant of salt, it does not mind minerals from tap water, etc. It is best to water it in the morning when you water it, before the sun rises.
It is incredible how much water this plant can store in its leaves. It is precisely this excellent storage power that helps it preserve these leaves for so long without water.
Although it is drought tolerant, we recommend drainage holes so that excess water does not accumulate in the pot and cause root rots very quickly. Excess water kills succulents faster than regular plants.
The Best Soil and Fertilizer For The Agave Blue Flame

Agave flame is a type of succulent that best tolerates acidic soil. This implies a pH value between 5.5 and 6.5. If the soil in which agave flame is planted is alkaline, it should be watered with rainwater.
The composition of rainwater is not acidic, so it will help to maintain the balance and preserve the necessary pH value of the soil.
Drainage soils such as sand, perlite, and gravel are used for planting this plant in containers and pots. Too wet soil causes root rot to appear very quickly. This plant has very shallow and sensitive roots.
Temperature and Humidity

The agave flame plant needs a lot of sun to grow, on average between 8 – 10 hours of sunlight per day. The minimum sun would be about 3 hours a day, so enough for development.
The temperature that is ideal for its growth should be between 65 and 70 F. In winter, this plant rests, so watering is reduced to a minimum.
There are also species that grow in the forest so they need partial shade or species that need extremely strong light.
Air humidity is not extremely important for this plant. It can withstand humidity between 40 and 60%.
Is Blue Flame Cold Hardy?
Although it is assumed that the plant can grow in cold regions due to its appearance, zones below 8 are not suitable for this plant.
It grows best in zones 8-11. In zones below 8, its leaves will not develop quickly, it will have comparative growth, etc.
Propagation and Pruning Of The Agave Blue Flame

Plant Agave flame in a place where it will receive all-day sun. It is planted in moist and extremely acidic soil.
It is planted in a pre-dug hole that you will fill with a mixture of soil and additives such as sand or vermiculite.
After planting the agave plant, water it only 5 to 7 days after planting. After planting, the rooting process can last up to 6 weeks, and sometimes more, depending on the growing conditions.
When it is planted as a houseplant in a closed space or greenhouse, it is not recommended to plant any other plant nearby.
It grows best in dry areas. If you plant them in a place where the soil and climate conditions are different, then it is necessary to ensure as similar conditions as possible by planting in containers.
Place a drainage material made of clay or small gravel at the bottom of the container. The seeds are sown evenly. Do not put a layer of soil over the seeds because direct sunlight is needed for germination.
The entire process takes place at a temperature between 60 and 65 F. Agave blue flame plant doesn’t require pruning unless there’s some damage on the plant.
Wrapping Up About The Agave Blue Flame

If you enjoyed our article about the agave blue flame plant, you’ll love a blue ginger plant too. These blue vibrant plants will enrich your garden with their fresh colors in a second.
As you could see, what this plant need is full sun, watering every 15 days, and sandy soil and that is it. This plant is also a great seed parent for the future new growth you might want with this plant.
Extra tip: if you grow it and plant it in your house, right next to your plant, make sure to write some cute succulent quotes.
This plant is a very low-maintenance plant and with its amazing look, you’ll be so happy and lucky for purchasing it.
That would be all for today, see you tomorrow with similar topics.